I enjoy the pictures of the yards with wood sheds and stacks of wood in waiting. One thing I've noticed in so many pictures are the yards that are fenced in. I live where fenced in yards are very rare. Most common line markers are hedge rows. Don't know what percentage of folks live with or without fences. Just curious.
Can you update the poll to include "partially?" We have fenced back yard on 2 sides, but need to add the other 2, but mostly for our dogs.
We have a chain link fence all around the property where the dogs are. Keeps the dogs in, hopefully deer, bear and small curious children out. I don't know about cougars though. The chain link is nice as it doesn't rot and doesn't need painting. In our town, properties might have a fenced back yard and open front yard.
When we lived in the burbs we had a small fenced in yard, gave me a feeling of MY space. After we moved up north and have a good acre with a fair amount of trees and 200 acres of woods off the backyard, I have MY space
I fenced our back yard in for our dogs. Probably 3/4 of an acre. Keep them in. And for our kids. Keep any unwanted dogs and animals out.
We have 3 sections of the yard fenced off. One for the dogs, one for the chickens and one for the horses. Well....... make that 4. There's also a section fenced off for the garden. But there is no fencing around property lines; at least not in our immediate vicinity.
My back yard is fenced for the pup, and kids I guess. It's a small lot (0.4 acres). I can't imagine people fencing in much bigger areas unless it's for livestock.
I've got a "wireless" fence for the dogs for now. My wife and I want to put up a physical fence since we live right on a very busy road, but we can't agree on a way to do it. I want to buy the materials and put it up over several weekends. She wants to pay for installation, which I estimate would be around $7,000 total!!!
My thoughts were for separation of property. Not just for pinning in animals. Even folks in the country will have fenced in areas for kids, dogs, farm animals. I'm thinking of the fences that keeps your neighbors and kids separate. Fences seems to change behaviors. With no fence, most of us keep our stuff away from property lines. With fences, it seems folks pile stuff right up next to it.
The difference between me doing our yard and having a crew come in and install the fence was about $1300. We had a crew install. Our ground is rocky and most of my buddies don't live nearby. At the time it was probably the right decision....
Wyoming is a fence out state.. So if you don't want the neighbors cows or horse we build fences. Miles of barb wire not pretty but works well. Will be putting a small fence in the yard to separate the grass hay from the play grass. Also to keep the chickens of the porch. When we lived in the city we always new fences made better neighbors.
Ahh, that is different. In my area, most of the farmers are asking if they can rip out fences, so instead of having 5 small fields, they can just have one large one. I honestly haven't seen a fence like you're talking about installed in my entire life, all of the ones that exist are probably 50+ years old, and overgrown by rows of trees. Most people in my area are pretty generous with their property. Growing up, my parent's pretty much shared their 30 acres with 3 other neighbors, so had 120 acres to hunt, ride horses, fish and camp on. Even now my current neighbors area all pretty cool with me hiking or hunting on their property whenever I want. I just need to make sure I don't trip over any old barbed wire fences in the woods that have long been forgotten about!!
I border my neighbor, farmer with over 800 acres..., driveway is 1900 feet ... no need to fence in dog or kids. He gives me permission to use I keep it clean for his grand kids on wheelers and snow mobiles... he figures I improve his land with trails, cleaning etc... I figure he pays taxes so I can use more land.. it's a If he ever decides to sell I will try to buy! Good neighbors better than good location!, I got both
I'm with bassJAM. I've never seen anything like that. It seems cost prohibitive. And while I live in the suburbs, I'm from the country. If it's a large chunk of fenced land it's for livestock. I think the most I've seen fenced is a several acre plot.
Not many folks around here have fences, we still have woods separating houses. When you go into town, there are few more fences, sometimes horse related.
Yeah in half to 1 acre lots in cities there are fences. usually for pool (read insurance required) or dog control...