Put me down for better than 20. Plus an unknown amount in the log pile that my brother and I share...
12.5 stacked, 1 in the woods slated for this weekend, 1 more in rounds already. Grand total so far: 789.65 total claimed cords, of which 676.65 are stacked.
So averaged out over 65 posters that is 10.4 CSS cords per member. If that plays out over the ~2000 members that someone mentioned earlier, then that is ~20800 cords CSS! :stacke:
If I had to guess I'd say 20 here, over the winter if I get some of this mysterious and ever elusive "free time" im hoping to double that!
What an average tree ? 16" is a big birch here. 6 - 8 to make a cord. Have seen some trees here that 1 tree produced near 2 cord.
I have at least a couple to split which I'm going to try to knock out tomorrow. I'll say 24 cords here
:stacke:Need to put a tape to it, but best guess would be 15 plus 1 in rounds at my place. Not counting my partner Lefty's place. Maybe another 2-3 split with 15+ that still needs cut and split so don't count that. I'm so glad the city lets me keep an entire year of wood here.