Low 40's currently, wind blowing with flurries off and on, heading down to mid 20's tonight. 2 loads of oak and poplar this morning, and its WARM inside. Neighbors oil heater took a chit, went over lending a hand, but not sure whats going on. There house was COLD! Might talk them into a woodstove or pellet stove.
No snow here in the Rockies this week but it is 39f right now with a bit of drizzle. The house is still toasty from my over night burn so will let it cool off a bit before firing it up again.
Currently hovering around the freeze mark, heading down to 25°F Loaded the stove with all oak, even put a big one in the back on the bottom hoping to have enough coals in the morning for a quick restart. Expecting more seasonable temps by midweek before they slide back down next weekend. Keep warm!
It's 25 heading to the low 20's, we're still burning pine with the temp in the cellar at 76 and 70 up here.
Getting closer. 40 out now, low 30's predicted. House down to 70 (wife had the doors open today to get some fresh air).
Was 58 today started a fire several hours ago. My little boy was sick and it was 66-68 in house and I was worries he was cold. So my first fire of season today!!! Was a pine fire that I kept trying to shut down to early and had it smoldering. I threw some oak in it together it going. Its 45 now and low 70s in house with low fire going in stove
Can't give a "like" for a sick child, but how about two thumbs up for you doing the right thing and taking care of him?
Hope he feels better man. I like the fact that you had a fire. Always makes folks feel gooder. And I hope you don't catch that cold.
Was 32 overnight. Loaded the stove overnight with poplar and some white oak, woke up at 3:30 and it was 73 downstairs and STT at 250.
Been hovering around freezing for 3 mornings now. Burning mostly small splits, about an inch thick with a few regular splits of ash on top. This time of year I don't like the STT to get over 500, but the 30 needs a decent amount of wood in it to burn properly. The small splits seem to be the answer. Warmer sunny weather starts today.
23 Couple maple chunks. Will let it go out today. Should have enough solar gain to warm the house till after work. Snow almost completely melted off yesterday before dark.
37F this mourn. Had about 3 bigger splits of oak in the High valley 2500. Good cat temp and they take off I shut the air down. Twice I woke and they had stalled. When the stove is not super hot it does not like a love burn with that little wood I guess? I was trying not to cook us out and have to keep the windows open. Probably a similar situation to Norky and the 30. As my stove is about the same size and like lots of wood. I guess I needs that volume through the cats to keep them up? Woke up to 70F in house. So I did my job. No to cold and not too hot. Put a mix loaf in this mourn of oak and walnut and pine. Going to let it burn in good and then set it for the day and hope I dont cook them out.