It was on sale when I bought it Some more My home made hookaroon, I keep in the truck
You can also buy Peavey tools direct from Peavey. Their price look better than Baileys.
Now that I look at it I think that Peavey's prices have gone up in the past few months too. But only by a few dollars. I know that one of them was only $42.88 last November and now they are running $44+ dollars.
A piece of heavy aluminium tube, a grade 8 bolt, an acorn cap nut and a nylon lock nut. And some time and paint. Can't be more than $20-30. Make your own.
Been doing some 'prototype' experimenting on my own design picaroon. Some observations that I want to share regarding design for all of us 'handy' tinker'ers who like to make stuff. First of all, I observed that when I use a round handle design, there is more of a tendency for 'bounce-off' if the handle itself flexes AT ALL upon impact with the wood. It allows the spike to not bury itself in the wood if there is any 'give' in that handle. So ... if you notice the top manufacturers that have been making pickeroons for 100 years or so, they use a more traditional axe type handle (if wood) that is more tall than wide. This is for longitudinal and torsional strength and eliminates the flex that causes 'bounce-off'. Yes, I know that Stihl and LogRite have round handles. But if you look at the thickness of their handles ... they aren't flexing. There are even pickaroons with round wooden handles ... Hardwood and large diameter. As Jon_E said, if Aluminum handle, better make it 'Heavy' thickness if you are trying to stick that point into Oaks, and Hickory. If Steel handle, thick wall can't hurt. If a wooden handle, either 1 3/4" REAL hardwood round, or use the tried and true 'taller than wide' style handles to eliminate flex upon impact. Thatt's all folks!!
BTW< if anybody is interested in this design in the picture I'm posting ... let me know. I can get them for a little over $30.00 plus shipping. They have a 28" handle.
My home made pickeroon has extra weight in the end , pipe inside the pipe, but does tend to bounce some, but it works good and for the cost ya can't beat it. The handle on the peavey is more comfortable to use , you don't have to look to see which way the hook is pointing before ya swing it, and the curve gives you a good grip when you start pulling.
I can't say the same thing for me. While using the x27 I have sliced 3 pairs of pants and sliced my wrist. All from just moving the axe around.
Guess I should have read more. Free trade isn't as cracked up as it should be, or at least the shipping costs. Oh well, the cost of living in paradise..... I guess I should have looked at the date as well... 2014... sheesh...
The brought mine the other day. I must say the craftsmanship is awesome and it's real sharp. This tool is built to last one's lifetime.
Hmmmmm....... Only $42 until October 31st,plus their standard $5 shipping charge. Log Pick Another one by Council Tool Council Tool Cnc 150 1-1/2 Lbs. Hookeroon With 36" Curved Wooden Handle | Hookeroons & Sappies | Log Handling Tools |
The author of this video told the Hipps pickaroon manufacturer that they weren't charging enough for it. Be that as it may, its a great video for how and why to use one (or two):