I am new to this forum, but find it refreshing to know I am not the only one that obsesses like this over firewood. With that being said does anyone have a light setup as the days are getting shorter?
I have a construction string of 6 lights that I strung in my pole barn. I have to run an extension cord to provide power.
Welcome to the club. I use a 300 watt CFL mounted on an old pole lamp, another battery powered light, and headlight
Just a spotlight on the house. It's dual purpose. Lets me see in my woodshed and scares away the nocturnal varmints so's my dog and me don't get et.
I stay in the house when it's dark thirty. Ok, not so much, but I put a motion light facing the shed so I can see what I'm doing on a late night firewood run. Don't work outside at night.
I am retired and all my wood is stacked outside. If I do not get it done during day light hours then there is always tomorrow.
Went under 11 hours today :-( Gotta have some dry days soon & get a few other Winter prep projects done then get 8 - 10 cord of wood. Shorter days not helping , maybe a headlamp
I ordered some LED lights for the tractor and gator. At least I am mobile and can get out if I feel the need. Thank you all for the input
I have two motion detector flood light setups in the back yard, one on the house and one on the back of the garage. I have clamp on lights the run off the truck too if I am out offsite loading wood. I pickup and process wood anytime but I try not to work past 11 pm. My whole area is well lit but I don't cut without natural light.
Can't work under a motion detection light... I'm in the dark all the time... Welcome to FHC Woodsnwoods
If you have two set for the max sensitivity and near max amount of time in different locations you always should have light and they seem to stay on continuously while I'm in the area.
As I was coming back home with a load yesterday shortly after 6:00, I realized how much light we've lost! When I fire up the OWB, it is dark (full winter) and the only light I use would be the one on the OWB itself. About as effective as a night light in regards to the woodpile. But with all the snow on the ground, it is a good source to reflect any light around...you should see how bright it is during full moon nights! Welcome to the site!
Thanks for the thread woodsnwoods! I moved my stacks right next to my shed last winter, and was planning on installing a motion flood light on the side of the building over the summer, but I forgot. I guess I need to get on that now! It seems like more often than not I don't have time to bring in firewood on the weekends, so I'm out in the evenings after work loading the trailer and hauling a week's worth of wood into the garage in the dark. Using a headlamp gets old, and sometimes my stacks aren't so stable when I'm taking them down, so I'd rather just flood the entire area with light so I feel a little safer!
Headlamps rule!! Last night the chill was in the air, yup probably get back into the routine of night time hand splitting. I would love to have some construction light/ string light setup but I'd have to run extension cords as my "wood lot" is through a series of pine trees away from electric supply. Too many roots to trench a line by hand.