We've also had a tuft &needle mattress for about a week now. We both like it a lot and it's probably the best mattress we've ever slept on. It's very firm, yet very soft at the same time. The wife is very picky about mattresses and she has no complaints at all. One of her biggest complaints in the past was that every time I'd move, it would disturb her. With the T&N, I think I could stand on my side of the bed and jump up and down without her noticing it. The only negative I can see with this mattress is when I sit on the edge of the bed, it squishes down a little. If I sit far back on the bed it's not so bad. It's not a problem, just unlike a conventional mattress. I'm already adjusted to it and it's no big deal. We bought shredded memory foam pillows to go with it and they're also very nice. http://www.amazon.com/Shredded-Memo...ie=UTF8&qid=1442837614&sr=1-1&keywords=pillow
I had a bed just like this when I was kid. It was the best bed I ever had! It looked like a normal bed, and my friends were always surprised when they sat on it.
we tried both tuft and needle and casper, ended up liking the casper a little better but ended up keeping the T&N for a guest bed. My impressions are that the tuft and needle is a little firmer and sleeps a little warmer than the casper.
I'm afraid I won't cast a happy tone on this subject. My wife and I have been through 3 or 4 mattresses in the last 10 years. I sleep like a log and always wear a pocket on my side of the bed. (If I wanted to sleep in a pocket I'd get a hammock.) I have to wonder if the problem is these foam mattresses. Next time out I'm looking at quality coil spring mattresses.
We bought a Tempurpedic Bed 7 years ago and love it. The first night or two it takes getting use to because it feels different than a spring mattress. It was expensive, but you can get them a little cheaper now. My wife and I sleep great! Whatever kind you decide to buy, I have found a mattress falls in the category of.... You get what you pay for.
That's a bummer dgeeseman. Ours cost us $2000 for mattress and two halves box springs. We have not had any problems. Came with a warranty for 20 years to not sag more than 1/4". So far, so good. Do you think mattresses are not a one size fits all? Maybe some are good for some people and not so good for others. I don't know.
Unfortunately, T&N does not ship to, or retail in Canada. But recently Casper does. But the price is a bit steep; $1050 for a queen. But I'm willing to give it a shot if you who have tried it recommend it. Agreed with some of the others that posted here, this thread is indeed timely, thanks!
$1050 is about right for a queen. We bought a $1400 mattress from rooms to go. It got kind of sloppy after 4 years and did not support the same. Was a foam mattress. Had in den tons. Bit the protector failed early and caused it to soul so we got a replacement. That mattress company actually went out of business from the time we bought it and today ironically?
The Casper does work well for us, based on the research I did it sounds like a mattress can be very personal thing and what works for one person may not work for another. I do think that they are very high quality for the money, to get something in a "name brand" you would have to spend much more for the same quality materials. So in short yes I do recomend it but if it isn't the be all end all for you don't shoot me lol.
No. I got on the T&N chat and was told politely that there are no retailers in Canada. Amazon.ca does not carry it and Amazon.com won't ship it to Canada. Just as well; I've kinda had my fill of getting dinged at the border with duty.
I appreciate your point of view. We currently sleep on a failing expensomattress (just 6 years old) with a 2" memory foam top. So I have the feeling the Casper just might fit the bill. And, there is a 100 day trial with free returns.
Is that the "mattress in a box"? I wonder how returns work with that? Must be a beotch to fold it back up.
We have had coil spring mattresses for 15 years, never had a sag or pocket. This current one is our favorite. Platform frame (no box springs) height is easy for me to get in and out of. Non pillow top with a foam mattress topper. I think it was $700 after coupons.
Old school spring mattresses that were on firmer side hold up forever. They dont seem to sigh like newer spring ones or soft ones.
Every time we went to check out mattresses the wife falls for a gushy soft foamy monstrosity. Next time it will be straightforward - I want a coil spring mattress without any topper and she can put any memory foam toppers she pleases on her side only.
No doubt a scam, but I spend more time in bed than I do in my car, so if they screw me I don't mind so much. I just want to be comfortable. Going with two beds instead of sharing one with my wife has been the biggest step in the right direction. She wants to sleep on a marshmallow; my favorite mattress was called "The Gibraltar". Combine that with the fact that I get cold well before she stops being overheated, and it is definitely the way to go for us. The unexpected bonus is that now that we both get a decent nights sleep, the sex life is improved.