I bought my buddy whose farm I cut on a Fiskars for Christmas today...that thing is begging to be swung. If Christmas wasn't two days away, he would probably be getting a slightly used one.
My X27 arrived on 12/09.Just had time to use it on some dead Hickory I dropped the weekend before.On 12/12 I cut down a large ugly long dead Silver Maple in brother's front yard,parents were along to talk about Christmas stuff etc I brought it along with some of my usual gear..Brother saw how good it worked on some of that gnarly old Maple +some of his dead Mulberry & Black Ash that he had set aside. Even swung it a few times himself & was very impressed.Mom was watching apparently us & asked me later "Look on internet for best price,order it & she'd pay me cash when it arrived..." So last week it arrived at my address,they stopped by & picked it up. I think he'll be quite surprised when he opens that big box on Wednesday afternoon.....
Split some apple with the Fiskars this afternoon...that thing is mint. Makes the maul seem pretty crude.
Which is why you learn to make your own with a draw knife. Im making a handle for a couple of bare head I found in my grandfathers things after he passed, 10 oz hammer, and a axe that will get a 19" handle like the Gransfors Bruks, Small Forest Axe. I am making the handles out of cherry, not the strongest or longest lasting, but it is what I have available right now. Ill keep my eye out for some hickory or ash for replacement handles.
That would be a really cool project, but it would end up hanging over the fireplace at my house. I'd be afraid of breaking it after putting in all that work. Especially if it was made from a softer wood like cherry. Broke every splitting axe I've ever owned, until I got the Fiskars.
I would like some higher end axes eventually ,the husqvarna's are a good bang for the buck ,i have a felling axe and a carpenters axe ,the carpenters is actually a little big for carpentry ,i may get the hatchet sized one ,the felling axe sticks to the tree real nice so is within arms reach when ready to beat wedges ,my fiskars bounce off the trees and do not stick ,they split firewood ok though ,i hear the stihl splitting mauls are ok also but have not tried one for a mid priced axe
It only takes a half hour or so to make a handle after it has been roughed out with the chain saw or band saw.
I'm sure I could shape the handle that fast, but making a wedged tenon to fit through the axe or hammer head seems more involved. I'm great at machining, but not so good at carving.
I'm convinced that the Husqvarna axes are a high bang for the buck. Swedish steel (made by Wetterlings?) for under $70. I can't speak to the quality of the X27, but I know that won't be a tool that's passed down from generation to generation either.
DH asked me to get him a new handle last fall. The best store that was open that day did not have one that would work but we needed more split wood asap. I ended studying his old handle before buying a new ax for him. I was amazed that some parts were shiny smooth from years of swinging it, I think the part where he goes up before down on the log. I was impressed with the shims and repairs that held up to years of hard work. We still have the old head, I bet he would like a new wood handle. The replacements available were fiberglass handles with grips, I still wonder how he does the slide with it... He used to carve wood duck decoys, maybe he can make a new handle after the toddler is older and we have more time.
Late on the reply here but... I bought the Stihl Pro splitting axe and am in love with it, extremely well built. I also have the X27 and love it for smaller/straighter grain http://www.stihlusa.com/products/hand-tools/axes/prosplitaxe/
For axes, and mauls, you might want to search Council Tools, Waccamaw NC. A few months I got their "Jersey Pattern" axe from Bailey's. Only cost $20-something. Very nice, all around. They also make mauls and really pretty axes, among other things. "Mauls" are nothing like box-store bludgeons, in general, IMHO.
I've used my Gransfors splitting maul a lot this past 2 weeks. I would not be without this now. I really like spending a bit more and then falling in love and keeping something for life. Handle will give way long before the steel does.