I never heard of either of them as well. The Georgia Peach bag said 100% hardwood. I don't know what the Associated Harvest are - I just ran the UPC that the TSC gal gave me on the phone. NWP is Northeast Wood Pellet.
Thanks. Seems like everyone wants a piece of the pellet business. Georgia Peach is a transportation company that hauls (among other things) wood pellets. Looks like they've established their own pellet brand, a growing trend these days. The website says they are partnered with Energex so maybe that's what is in the bag. Georgia Peach, Inc. : : Specialized Hauling
It's interesting I hear people saying their local WalMarts are selling at those higher prices and mine is still selling at $219. Not that I'm complaining.
Not really. I just don't get it. MWP is only 40 miles away, so the freight cost can't be too bad, but that a big difference from what everyone else is seeing.
Georgia Peach Products is a re-seller of UPC codes. If you need a UPC and don't want to pay the subscription costs to GS1, you can buy a UPC from a re-seller. Georgia Peach Products, Inc. - Parent company of Simply Barcodes.
Stopped @ rt. 248 TSC today only had about 30 ton in stock house brand they have sold down from the 100 + from a few weeks back .
$259, We're getting there!! Just a wee bit more and I might just bite! HD should match or beat them and the war begins!!
It gets better. Look on their website and the price is actually $5.29/bag - plus 7% off if you buy a ton, so it's actually $246/ton. As time goes on, the cracks are starting to show...
Now cut it out tt, The pellet special people(da ones that know everything about pellets) said they aren't going down. It must be a misprint!!
It won't if they are moving them, But they still seem to have stacks in many places. So we have our fingers crossed. Looks like Lowes has sent the first signal. Will HD fire back??