Yes!! An excuse to buy new chit! I love it. " sorry dear I know it's a lot of money, but I really need it". Does that sound good?
think I'm gonna go with the noodle and quarter idea. I'll try to get some pics taken in progress. Anyone have any guesses on total cords once processed? The trunk is that size for about 9 or 10 feet to the first crotch. The tree is about 70 ft tall.
I tell the wife something like this... Imagine how long we can heat with this tree, well now think of how much it would have cost to heat with oil... I'm saving us alot of money
Well worse case... I can bring the toys up your way one weekend and let you play with them.... or is it... ... Let me know. I've got up to a 36" bar... ... Did I mention big boy toys are fun?
I'm gonna try to get it with what I have. Truth be known, I'm not taking any of the wood. I'm doing a favor for a friend. I appreciate the offer. If can't get it I will certainly hit you up. I'm sure you'd be welcome to all you can haul. Also, I'm kinda scared that if I get my hands on new high end toys I might like it too much. Like getting myself a divorce too much!
If you noodle and quarter what you can get to you will expose a much slimmer remaining center, even if it goes solid further up. After you have cut away a bar length that way you will be able to cut the center just like it was a smaller diameter log. I'm not saying this right but I can easily picture it in my mind. When you are noodling, use the bar as if doing a plunge cut right near where you are able to reach from the outside of the log. What you end up doing is removing an outside layer and leave behind an easy to cut center. After you cut off the center you can again reach far enough in from the butt with your bar to make the next set of noodling cuts. I know, it's clear as mud. Think about how you expose the center on one of those china markers, grease pencil, that has a paper wrapper.
Any availability of renting (or borrowing) a bigger saw for 1/2 a day? I did that to handle several 54" ash trunks. Had to justified the rental (in my head) cost by rationalizing that I get into wood that big only twice in my firewood career. And to see what running a big heavy strong saw was like - it wore me out just carrying the thing around.... heheh.