we had two more tri-axle loads arrive this week, and one more coming next week. That makes 6 loads so far this summer. Should net arond 110 face cord.
I'm just not looking forward to the splitting part!! But then again we just bought a Timberwolf TW-2HD with a hydraulic log lift, 4-way wedge and log grate. The grate and 4-way had to be ordered. Can't wait to put it to work. The cycle time is half what my older splitter is. And adding the 4-way will really speed things up!
This is better than Disneyland! Nice toys and a large pile of logs. It doesn't get much better than that
How much bf does that style of trick haul? In my part of the country there are no wood trucks of that style, home log deliverys are mostly done with truck and trailer self loaders. Anywhere from 18 ft to 35 ft bunk logs, a big load may be 12 cords or so. That little 4 axle truck is cool how much can it haul?
Lookin' good there Sir... Love the work your doing with the Track loader, definitely a back saver too...
The logs are 16ft long. Depending on the size of the wood and how straight, you get between 14-16 face cord after processing. My other buddy can get between 18-20 face on his truck. We have tractor trailer self loaders around here too. Just seems like they never want to call you back. Must be nice to turn down cash money!
You're going to love that splitter. I have a Timberwolf TW-P1 with a grate took the manual log lift off as it is quicker for me to load the splitter with my Thumb on the back hoe while my help splits. The 4 way comes in handy and you will find that with the two stage pump it won't slow the splitter down. I have had mine for about 8 years called the factory in Vermont for some steel that ride under the ram (ram had too much up and down movement) They shipped me everything I needed in two days with a total cost of under $16.00 including Grade 8 nuts and bolts plus shipping. I was told that I should not buy the ones that are pre drilled as by removing the old ones and holding the new ones not drilled in place spray painting the holes and drilling them myself would make up for any wear that has taken place over the years. Had 3 different splitters from the big box stores before this one. Remember you only get what you pay for. I used to own a Restaurant Equipment company and I would tell customers by buying the less expensive one you only feel good once and that is with how much you spent but buy the best and every time you use it you will feel good about it and your purchase. Good luck with all that work but you do have some time saving equipment to ease the load.
Just watched a video of the timberwolf in action on you tube, that will save ALOT of time vs regular splitter