Love the Yota fragefarmer. There is something about a flatbed. Looks good, handy. Can put stack racks up, and do all kinds of haulin chit with them. My neighbor drives flatbed Fords. F350 - 7.3 liter diesels. He has two of them. One is a DRW, the other a SRW. Older models, but I like the looks of Flat bed trucks.
Just some good old fashioned diesel fun in the driveway right now. Oil change and fuel filters. Tomorrow the real fun begins when we delete the egr and dpf on the wood hauler.
Here is a truck I just happen to see on ebay that would make a nice wood hauler. 14' flat bed, diesel, 4x4! NICE! A little expensive. But unique! And nice! LOL
Hehehe... was thinking more airplanes. Tanks are in the root ends of the wings above your head, though most are outside the fuselage. There are some tho that have tanks directly above your head. Always thought that was a dumb idea.
Catching on fire before coming to a sudden stop seems hardly inconsequential..... You used to fly right Stinny?
2007 Saturn Ion Luckily 99% of the wood I haul comes out of my back yard. This is the real work horse - John Deere 318 + my grandfather's old homemade wood trailer:
I have 14.2 acres myself, plus I manage another 60 or so for my neighbors to the east and west. Theres a lot of maple, ash, locust, black cherry, aspen poplar, beech, dead elm, and red pine. No chains for the JD unfortunately...