It boils down to cost per btu. If they cost 20% more, but only give 4% more heat, and we heat with a Harman, the is little reason to spend d the extra buck. Even if more ash, it seldom is an issue with this stove.
Well, with all of these fuel prices getting talked about, I thought I'd open up the handy PFI Fuel Cost calculator and see what's what. I used prices I've heard on the forum & my experience for fuel oil & propane, and a generic $259 for pellets. Results are interesting.....
Throw $3.00+ propane prices in to that calculator and see the kick in the pants I take every time I buysome. Electricity is no prize either considering the real cost is like .17 or more.
Yup, I know you have high prices for propane in your area. Just hard to believe that ANYPLACE is higher than NY.