One of the more frustrating things for me is to be faced with a decision on choosing a mattress. Just seems to be one of the biggest scam industries in this country. If anyone has had recent experience and would not minding sharing their opinions, it would be appreciated. I would like to get a queen and spend 1500 or less.
Yes a big scam. I found out that at least here in Canada all the major stores carry most likely the same mattress by the same manufacturer but each store has their own "model" line so that you cannot price compare. I listened to satellite radio and I'm intrigued by the ads for Casper mattress where you get to sleep on it for 100 days to see if you like it. I have no idea on their products or prices but I like the concept. You want to be happy with a big purchase like this.
I bought a latex foam mattress a few years ago and like it. I was sold as xxxxxxx for $800....then when the box got here it was yyyyyy and I found it for sale online for much less. All sales final. Grrrr. Scam industry for sure.
What frigging scam it is too! Bought our mattress before we moved into our house in '09. My wife is very "particular" when it comes to her sleep environment. Didn't want to spend $5k on a mattress and she hates memory foam (with an unfair prejudice IMO but hey, they want what they want). We settled on a regular pillow top queen and had it delivered, guaranteed, return it if you don't like it, blah blah blah. Make sure you check out that return policy too because most charge an "exchange fee" and some limit you to a replacement of equal or greater $$. So of course she hates the first mattress and we exchanged for a second. Cost us another $200 plush the $250 exchange fee and ..... After about three years, it has dips where we slept and has gotten so uncomfortable (for me) that I voluntarily sleep on the couch. If you aren't going to spend big bucks for something extraordinary. (Which is a route I've considered but absolutely do not want to part with that kind of $$ for a mattress), I say go as cheap as possible because they ALL seem to be crap these days. There is one company advertising "flipable" mattresses on the local radio. Might have to investigate that one.
10 years ago, i spent $3500 on the tempurpedic. it is now a concave bowl of hell that i'm trying to warranty and getting no where. my next matress will be a $300 jobber form the wholesale club.
We bought a sleep number quite a few years ago. Felt great in the store, never got used to it at home. Kept saying 'it'll get better'. It never did, at least for me. We have a $189 10" foam twin mattress in a spare bedroom that I find myself in more often than not.
The last time we bought a mattress was when we bought our bed. Both were Amish made. The bed is great and should last well beyond when we're gone. but the mattress totally sucked. Luckily, we still had our old mattress on another bed and switched them out. We'll be needing a new mattress in the not to distant future. I did some research a few months back and I'll probably end up buying one from this place. Most of the reviews I've read for them have been good. The closest ones to you look like their in western Pa., but might still be worth a look.
I've been thinking about replacing our bed with a mattress but my wife won't let us part with our waterbed. She likes the heat ( in the winter) and I like the extra 4" of length. It's one off the few beds I sleep in that my feet don't hang off the end. After reading some of the comments above, I'm thinking we'll stay with the waterbed...heck maybe we'll start a retro trend
My parents had waterbeds, many different kinds. The best one was a "waveless" tube style. Something like this.
I posted a thread on this a year or so ago. MANY members here were thrilled with the foam mattresses, and some temperapetic and sleep number praises too. We, however, are VERY comfortable in the less expensive firm traditional coiled mattress. With a memory foam topper. We had an expensive pillow top mattress in the past that does not compare! If it makes a difference, it is a single mattress on a platform frame, (nice and low for me the wifey to get in and out of.)
Great thread. We are needing a new mattress now. The one we have is flippable, and is like to go that route again. A few years ago we bought a new full-size mattress for the guest bedroom. It wasn't expensive, came as a no name special from the factory in Hartford. It's a great mattress, but I think the memory foam top like wildwest mentioned is the ticket because that one is minorly too hard on top. Right now we have a queen. With our Badger that sleeps on the bed with us, it's barely acceptable. We've been talking about getting a king. If we end up with that yellow lab pup in August, we will absolutely require a king.
Been looking for something better myself. Some interesting reviews here:
When we got married we went out to get a new mattress our first purchase together... our store offered money back 6 month trial at home no payments! If you didn't like mattress trade it in on another one.... read fine print no catches a local furniture store..I remember thinking this was a huge mistake on my part.. I hate shopping! furniture is bad and mattresses are the worse! First decision was size she wanted a queen, I said king.. our daughter was 5 at time and still liked to sleep with us when scared sick or felt like it. I figure she will outgrow it soon enough.. And if your little girl pulls your arm over her while sleeping. Your dad heart will swell big enough to put up with her kicking like a mule. I'm 6 plus wife is 5 8 and 100 pound golden at bottom of bed I won on size. and a growing 5 year old (is there another kind?) it's a king! we set budget of a 1000 we went and laid down on mattresses for 3 hours. my wife has a bad back, wording nicely because she is unbalanced by being top heavy she laid on memory foam In 5 minutes her back did not hurt. we blew the budget but by 4 times but she still thanks me to this day for the mattress. truth be told I don't love it it's not bad but certainly not my favorite... Happy wife Happy life! Said all that to say you sleep at least 25% of day find it funny people by expensive cars for hour of driving a day and cheap mattress for 6 hours for 10 years...
I am going to be the odd man out here but I have a not so great back and finally bought a tempurpedic and have never slept better. That being said they aren't for everyone.
I purchased a Sterns and Foster Its 10 years old and we are starting to look, I wont spent that much on a mattress again !!
I've been a little skeptical of the foam mattresses, but our son and dil recently bought one of these and they're very happy with it.