Well we finally got a one day break from our monsoon summer so I busted my butt and got some splitting done. All said and done it measures up to 1.92 cords split and stacked. Probably sweated off 5 pounds this afternoon man was it humid!
It was a swamp here today too. I suppose the only thing better than your tractor is that crate! Looks good man.. That was a lot of sweat today..
Looking good! Very satisfying to get it split and stacked. I've got well over a cord of oak rounds ready to go, but I just can't find the time for splitting and stacking. I'll get there eventually, but for now I swear my pile of rounds is laughing at me. P.S. How do you like the T6? I just put in a T5 this summer. I'm looking forward to burning it this winter.
In the morning there was a breeze but it had stopped by the time things dried off enough to drag out the splitter it had stopped. It really wasn't that hot temp wise just felt like a sauna with the humidity.
Going on the fifth year with the T6 and I am still very satisfied with it. My wife loves it for the ease of use and great view of the fire. I am sure you will like your T5 once you get to run it.
Hats off to ya, Cert - getting all that done, let alone in muggy air. I USED to be able to work in soggy air like that, maybe about 15 years ago. LOL. Good job!
I got an hours worth of splitting on some locust last evening and then stacked today.....that was hard enough today in the heat we had, no rain, full sun and 85º. Thank you I'll have another....maybe another 2 months would even be fine but more rain predicted around the corner.
I hear you on the rain holding off! It has rained almost every day for the last month And not just a little bit of rain everyday! It rained last night and the ground was still a muddy mess today but I am afraid the wood I have in rounds is going to rot if I don't get it split and covered. We have not had a summer yet this year it has been pretty unbelievable that's for sure.
That was a good days work right there man! :stacke:shoot, I was going to do a little stacking today but I had to mow the grass then when I got to the push mower it was running like crap and had to work on that
Yep Certified, thats a fact......the dog an I have been in the pool 1/2 dozen times maybe and the wife not at all.....almost a waste of chemical this year. I have about 3 to 4 cords of rounds left to split but a big percentage of that is locust so I'm not too worried about that rotting.....I do have some red oak and ash I want to get done but some of the locust was on top of it.
Nice work, Cut & Split some elm yesterday. Used my " free" 066 flattop which is my first ported saw. This Elm doesn't split nearly as nice as your wood. Finally had a chance to give Shawn Curry' sawbuck a workout. Nice sawbuck Shawn! Wonder if all these " strings " will help this elm dry faster? Topped off the pallett with a some silver Maple. Just under half a cord. Its out sweating in the sun today.
Certified106 -Nice work sir-you're jealous of my wood shed...right back at ya on that nice tractor...sweet set up you have there
There is something wrong with your splitter however and the milk crate sure looks out of place-jus sayin
Nice work! I feel your pain about this weather. When its hasn't been raining cats and dogs, its been 85 and muggy. And the grass is growing so well, I gotta take care of that before anything else. I did manage to get a little bit of stacking done this weekend though. You just made my day! Fills me with pride to see you using it! I love your system too - nice work! That 066 might make a real nice elm splitter too...
Love the last pic, is that a Jack Russel? He is looking out into the woods saying, "come on squirrels, I dare ya to try and make it to the new stacks"!
Yup that is Rowdy the Jack Russel. He is always looking for something to chase. All day long while I was splitting and stacking he kept bringing me his ball and dropping it and then barking at me to throw it. I swear he is like the Energizer bunny that just keeps going......... I thought I might be able to get some more done today but it looks like we are back to our regularly scheduled rainstorms and it is already raining steadily.