I went into a pawn shop today to look for a used hydraulic wood splitter; you never know what you will find in a pawn shop as they had troy-built garden cultivators sitting outside. I saw a Stihl MS-770 chainsaw priced at $249.99 with the plastic carrying case. Yes, I agree, very nice to give me the Echo 33oT. I love the MS-290 and that saw does cut and I really appreciate what everyone did for me. The Echo 330T is going to be easier for me to use on the small stuff. I have a photo of the first tree I cut without someone supervising me. I will post that soon.
X3! Just incredible, jon1212! And like clemsonfor said- Kimberly is already developing CAD inadvertently!
There is not a stihl 770 chainsaw? Thats a good price depending on what it is. The ms170 is only $180 new so thats a scam if thats what it was
Probably a 270 and the "2" was worm as most badges end up doing. That's not a terrible price for a 270. My buddy joshmain has one and it runs surprisingly well after a muff mod.
if you are looking for a log splitter check out Craigslist I have seen a lot of 3 point Log splitters for cheap on there
Yep CL is generally the best bet on those. I have never had much luck on anything in a lawn shop. I know many have. I also have never tried to play the game as I never saw anything worth haggling to me in the few I have been in
Thanks, I did look awhile back and did not see any in my area listed; perhaps I should expand a bit within a suitable driving distance.
You have to look 3x a day every day or run an app on your phone to find the good stuff on CL. Good things are sold/gone within a few hours. There have been several things I have bought or inquired about within the first hour of posting due to my phone app which alerts me to items with certain key words as soon as they are listed
I see one listed, 5 ton electric; used one season the poster claims; wants $175.00 for it. I can get a new one from HF under warranty for $80.00 more; $255.11 (including the tax and shipping to my house and I would have to drive down; actually get my brother-in-law to drive down as I have no truck and back for the one on CL). I am thinking my axe and maul will have to do for now. The popular is easy to split so that is not my worry, it is the harder stuff. I think maybe I will start saving up my money for next year for a splitter unless I see a super deal on one. For now my concentration needs to be in building the chimney and hearth and cutting wood. My friend helped me to measure what I need for the chimney so it is the proper height. I tend at times to start going off on tangents, I need to focus on the chimney and cutting wood; without the chimney and the wood, I won't be warm this winter.
Yep first things first. I agree $175 for a used electric one is probably not worth it unless very lightly used and its close. But keep in mind most people expect and will bargain on CL. I have bought things for the listed price and they havent budged $5 I have also bought things for more than half of what they listed them at. If your remotely interested in something its worth a call or email with an offer.
I need to finish buying the rest of the chimney stack and I need to get the locking bands and the roof support. As for the hearth, I have not started that yet; I need to read up on how to build the hearth. I will also have to construct or have constructed the wall support for the chimney.
I will have a hearth build thread at some point this summer. I am building a new hearth and installing a new chimney for my new NC30 thats sitting on my porch right now.