I saw there was a threat of frost out East. Then I thought about all you hoarders that planted already. Hopefully nobody loses anything. I got stung last year by frost by planting my stuff mother's day weekend . This year I will be be planting this weekend.
are they just regular airlocks for wine making? I found a kit called Fermentools that look pretty nice, but not cheap.
Got through the frost threats OK, didn't risk much. Tradition dictates to wait until after Memorial Day. My daughter in-law did set out some marigolds. They haven't frosted, but the leaves are a bit purple. That is a sign of being cold and not able to process nitrogen. Same things happens to tomatoes. It was very cold and windy yesterday. That did a number on the plants sat outside at the box stores. Cold wind can be very damaging to tender growth. Only good way tor rush the season here is to use the hoop houses. Properly done, they can be used in April with very good outcomes.
We only lost 1 flower plant outta all them Talked to a couple people that live down the road and they lost most of everything and can only think why is they are down in a gut and we are quite abit higher? Had to go into town today and picked up a couple of these guys. http://blog.theenduringgardener.com/chilli-peppers/ring-of-fire/
Those are a little too hot for me. I have 4 of the standard variety chili peppers and hope to get a lot from them. I'll dry some and hang them in ristras for use in chili and other dishes and maybe grind them up to make chili powder.
I aint even touching them Norky! Both of them are in a wide open field also Ww and we are closed right in with Maples? Mrs loon loaded them back up with the extras we had in the house. Transplanted a couple of these guys yesterday and will see how the candles are in a couple weeks? Got a bunch of them around the house over the years and they are very easy to catch on.
Nice shape tree. I used to transplant those but always before any new growth shows. After that risky unless you can keep them wet.
Tractor sure did help out with the digging up save. But the putting in was a little more work as the roots were longer than the garden hose going to it.
Glad most of you got through a late frost. This is a slightly early Memorial Day but still way to late for a frost for most you up there. I left my soaker hoses on last night - brain fart - but my early girl's shot up ~8" today, cukes are vining - have some trellises to try out this year hopefully makes it easier to find them It's been dry here for 3 weeks and looks like rain/thunderstorms everyday this coming week(my days off) but we need it
Busted my hump yesterday, but got lovely wife's raised beds done, sorry wasn't up to par on taking progress pics... Blackberries need cleaned up... Cherry, apple and even the apricot trees look to have bumper crops on them this year! Had to take off to rake hay, then my mom's retirement party, but here are the finished beds, view from the house in the rain today.
What do you do to clean up the blackberries? We have access to wild blackberries but they are getting so high that it is harder to pick them. I had thought of pruning them or training them to make it easier.
Pruning in the fall, don't get carried away, lovely wife pruned last spring and we didn't have any berries last year, year before we had gallons if them. The grass is getting out of hand in our patch, I will spray with a grass killer then just weed out and broad leafs. LE wants to mulch them, I would rather not.
OK I double checked myself, can prune in late fall or early spring, second guessing myself here but early spring might be best as not to stress the plant before going dormant. Keep 4-6 main canes per clump, trim off all lateral canes from ground level to 18" off ground, all other laterals trimmed to 12-18" from main cane. Main canes trimmed to 5-6' tall.
Thanks for the advice FarmHand78 I think I might try a small area this fall as our winters aren't as cold as yours.