Finally after a week of spliting and re stacking I got all but 1 1/2 cord of wood put in my new carport it is a 18x21 I should have about 7.5 cords in there right now. Once my pole shed is up the boat can go inside that giving me more room for wood hoarding!
Nice cross cut saw , height checker, Leaves a mark if the load is to high Good fast way to put up a woodshed & I think it's cheaper than building from wood for one that size. Looks really nice, all full of wood ! Off the ground, good air circulation & top covered
I ordered the carport with 6' side for an extra $65 I figure it was money well spent. It is an american steel carport brand. I stood the live stock gates up on end to help if I have a collapse, but I am hoping it stays put. Three guys had the carport up in about an hour.
I figure the saw fit the idea of the carport. I pulled that saw out of my grandfathers barn a couple years ago before they auctioned everything off. One of my favorite pieces!
Looks sweet! I like the saw at the end. Makes a chainsaw look that much better. People that hoarded in yesteryear certainly had some challenges to over come. We can do in one hour what took them a whole day or more
Looks to be priced right and I do like the idea of having them install it. I don't need any more projects. Thanks for posting this !