My last Wheel Horse had a Kohler-Kohler WI?? I've always hated Briggs-the root of all evil engine wise---frick Cub Cadet-but she's mine now-what a piece of junk casting wise---hopefully the replacement part is better-I'm taking it to the shop, they are delivering home...I will cut in the morning regardless-splitting may be delayed...
B & S ain't got nothing on a Hardee's burger Or a spicy chicken sandwich, for that matter.... Uh oh, beer munchies....
Kitty's in "The Land of Cleve" Just me and the dogs............... and............... soda flavored beer
Good yob man.....the goal is to just maintain...wait for her call, tell her all is well then drink to obliteration...just my two-cent guess...I think you got it down...
She's already called and gone to bed at her bro & SIL's.... I got outta work early today, didn't start the beers too early, but also knew better than to run the splitter- that way, the filter remains were it should
You're f'in killin me!!! I was totally innocent in that deal-Occifer-I didnt do it...F'in filter blew, not me...
Yep, Kohler motors are out of Kohler, Wisconsin. Just a hop skip and a belch north of me. One of these days I'll get my parents ariens gt17 tractor with a Kohler twin in it. The thing is solid. Built like a tank, but modern enough looking. It's got a big 2 stage snow thrower and PTO's front center, and rear. Ariens is based in Brillion, Wisconsin.
TMI, Ashwatcher, TMI I know.... cheap, weak casting= blow out... I smell what yer steppin' in- hydraulic "fluid"
Horkn I bought my WheelHorse in 1989, it never missed a beat-I bought a zero turn Toro, who bought out WH, in 2007-Ive never regretted, freed up 4 hrs mowing time, but now it's a Kawasaki engine-inferior to Honda-19hp-Its never failed me-freed up a round of golf per week
I dunno, I only hear great things about kawi's. Some of our customers insist on them, but then again most of our hydro units are electric motor driven, but then again some are diesel, and some are propane. Heck I bought the kawi in avatar this week, and it's been around the woods and back one or 5 million times.
I can't complain about my 19hp Kawi-it has served me well-time will deck is a 7gauge steel 52" cut///it's a beast
That sucks your splitter blew a gasket ,more like blew apart Defective part under warranty though , that's good
I stumbled on this service manual looking for something else , might come in handy sometime
Guess I'm an oddball as I do not hate B&S. Have used their motors all my life and have one now on our splitter. It is a 5hp and has done us a superb job so far.
We've never had a problem with B&S on either of our splitters, 20 or 24 ton. The 20 ton is a 5 hp and the 24 ton is 305 cc. I split plenty of big old Sugar Maple with both.