Frosted last night scared( ) to go to the GH Everything seem to have made it. Rest of week's forecast is above freezing at night, hope so (fingers crossed)
Yep with big enough squares to get the big mators out of... Around here there called Cattle panels....
I can see where those are hard to bend into squares and probably better material gauge than concrete mesh - but it's already "round" still need bolt cutters though. I have to tend the plants as they grow a bit and keep the shoots inside. My plants shot up 8" this weekend after running the soaker hose Saturday mid 80's makes em grow fast after the roots establish for a couple weeks
As finally able to fix the double wheel planet jr I picked up a few weeks ago. It's going to be my dedicated seeder (hoss) set up so I won't have to switch out attachments anymore. New handles are on their way.
Do you use the pistol grip handles or the plow style? I need to make a set of the pistol grip style one of these days.
Few tomatoes setting on, lots of blooms GH doing well Planted some garden stuff. Brocc, cab, coliflower Put out some lettuce too.
Just put in 20 more Pepper (jalapeƱo) plants in. The garden dried out nicely today. They were needing to be put in, as they were getting root bound...
First attempt at sweet corn... Still have a majority of the garden to plant, but I'm waiting for the new moon on the 18th.
Planted 220 corn seeds last weekend and made a new watering system. I dug a trench from the garage to the garden and put the hose in it. Then I mounted a sprinkler on top of the middle garden fence post. The sprinkler covers the entire 18X36 garden and I can turn it around and hit the small garden too. Last year when I wanted to water the garden, I'd have to pull the hose up there and water it in 2 sections with a ground sprinkler. Now, all I have to do is hook it up down by the house. And the sprinkler is 7 ft up, so it will be over the corn, when it gets tall. So far, this has been the driest, hottest spring we've had in years. That could all change though and we could get drenched with rain. Does anyone grow strawberries? We used to have a strawberry patch on the hill, but we'd never get any because the chipmunks would eat them all as soon as they'd get ripe. Next year, we plan on making a 30 ft long box bed and planting some behind the house. Any chipmunks attempting to steal them won't be around for long. We really like strawberries and the ones in the store from California are white in the middle and really suck.
My garden exploded this week after all the rain we got. Hoping to get some corn in the ground this weekend.
Havent had rain here in weeks! The county finally came out and hooked the meter up to the hydrant for me. Ive been waiting 2 weeks for it. My 1st planting of cucumber and patty pan squash didnt survive the wait
What has 2 thumbs and can't transplant seedlings to save their life? This guy. Help... especially the greens, success rate in 2 years an exact 0.0000% (please note, the precision is accurate)
If you'd carried that out out a couple more places, I'd think you were being obsessive. Once I get all my stuff started, I may have the same success/failure rate as you, although I may lag in precision.
Well I was late this year, but on time last. Greens are spinach, romaine lettuce, and kale. No hardening at all.