A couple of neighbors seemed to be having a disagreement. Nothing overt, just the typical cold shoulder, look the other way, etc. Walked over with a beer one day after I heard his splitter stop and he opened up. His stacks kept falling during the burning season. He has never had that problem before. The hoarder was wondering if his stacking was getting better because the stacks were never as high when he re-stacked them. He stacks along his side if his fence, no higher than the fence. Keeps it neat and clean. Total compliance with town code. One night he is up late and hears something. Figures it is the deer looking for his foundation plantings in the snow. Quietly looks and sees his neighbor reaching over the fence and filling a wheelbarrow with splits. After he finishes he uses a broom stick through the fence and knocks the stack over. Seems his neighbor was "borrowing" some wood and knocking down the stack to hide it. When the hoarder confronted him the neighbor said the hoarder had soo much wood he didn't think the little he took would be missed. Hoarder knows this guy is retired on a fixed income and told him all he had to do was ask but the re-stacking was a real waste of time & effort. KaptJaq
Hey, it's the world we live in.......you have more than " your fair share" so someone else should get some of yours with no effort at all!
Call me a optimist... I'd guess that the guy might be to proud to ask for the wood, and the knocking it over was just cover up.... but it takes all kinds.
My father in law has an old duke bear trap hanging off a front porch post, he always told my wife that was the door bell for any boy that wanted to take her out on the date, if they where man enough to push the plunger, they where man enough to date his daughter..... I'm the only one to push on the plunger, I knew it was bolted open, but still had that what if thought right when my ringer touched the plunger pad. FIL says it is coming to my house if we have a daughter, for the same use.
Had a neighbor many years ago place a shotgun primer in a piece of wood in a pile that someone was helping themselves to. Funny, they only took his wood one more time and than it stopped