Very nice Norky. Just getting ready to till but in the house right now googling when to transplant Hosta.
They are up a bit and the Mrs has me a digging. About a dozen being moved to a better place I guess and she is splitting them also as they are pretty large.
One of the wisterias is blooming for the first time. Wife was tickled to death...mockingbird was not amused.
Well, got my rows for Tomatoes & Peppers made... Now to till them up and plant. I think I found China....
Re-potted some brocc & cabbage today Should be ready for the garden in 2 weeks Warm enough today to get excited about planting. Need to get the raised beds ready, add compost & start getting some stuff in soon. In the GH, Cucs growing, some tomatoes forming blooms. Garden just has onions in 2-1/2 weeks ago, they're popping thru. Potato patch needs tilled. Things starting to happen now, I love Spring
Is that just a regular middle buster? I have thought about getting one how do you like it? Is it built fairly well and what brand?
I've got a middle buster/plow from County Line it works good for my John Deere it just makes a smaller trench. But with the expected summer this year, I wanted to bust up that pan a bit in the garden. So I used his Lister (sp?) with his 4wd Kubota. I think its like a 14" one, in which it cuts from the bottom and then rolls the dirt out. I'll take a picture for you later today if I get a chance.
I use a middle buster to plow up potatoes. If you're dealing with a hard pan look around for a Ferguson cultivator (with shanks) or a chisel plow. Figure 10hp per shank/chisel to pull it through the soil (depending on the type of soil you have). What I'm doing this year at the farm is instead of tilling I'm chiseling 30" wide beds (space between tires) then raking them out with a homemade rake/chain harrow combo. The tire tracks are the rows between beds. Last year I did the raised rows by tilling and funneling the soil from 5ft to 30" but they sucked weeding since the sides start to fall when you run a wheel hoe on them.
Tilled...24 mators and 10 hot peppers. Then next weekend I'll get the rest of my 20 jalapeƱos planted...
Got a bunch of those hot peppers planted in the the new garden and now heading over to the farm to transplant a couple christmas trees here.
Couple little 3 footers did me in with the wide digging for the roots. They are in the ground here at the house and plan on sitting on my butt the rest of the day. Gotta do some watering later though.
Planted 2 pickle cukes, 2 tomatoes, 6 jalapenos, 4 chili pepper and 1 hungarian today. Need to get 2 more jalapeno and 4 of some other pepper. We weren't going to do peppers at all this year because we didn't want to spend the time tending them, but we put landscape cloth down to control weeds and that should make them a lot easier to take care of. We'll be planting corn next weekend if the soil is warm enough. We have enough seed for about 220 stalks. Also planted 6 black locust and one shagbark hickory today.
My seedling plants are getting big, especially the tomato's and cucs/ squash. I'm thinking they can go in the ground now, but I got burnt last year starting too early and had frost damaged tomatoes and peppers.
Sand will also help break up clay soil. Add that along with organic matter and you will really improve the ground.
Can't grow corn to maturity here. Just as it plumps up, down it goes. The bandits get it all every time.