Uploading to Firewood Hoarders Forums. You must first make an account with youtube before you can upload to the forum. Due to the cost we do not host the videos but instead they are shared from youtube. Your next step is to upload from your PC, Mac, iPad, Android Tablet or Smartphone directly to youtube. This tutorial is for the PC because the phone is different depending on os. In time I will try to put up the rest of the tutorials as I can. Youtube accepts these formats .AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) .3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) .MOV (QuickTime Movie) .MP4 (Motion Picture Experts Group Part 14) .MPEG or .MPG (Motion Picture Experts Group) .FLV (Adobe Flash) .M4V (h.264) .WMV (Windows Media Video) .WEBM (HTML5) log in to youtube Look for the upload button in the upper right corner Click on " select files to upload " Choose the files on your device Enter details oft he upload such as the name, tags, description. You can share via Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Click Save Now that part is complete you can now watch your videos on youtube. The next part brings us to the forums. Go to youtube Select your video you would like to share On the bottom there is a share option click on it and you will see all the options depending on your device such as Email or text. You will look for Copy Link! Copy the link Go to FHC forums and either start a thread or respond to a thread and click the Movie icon in response window Past the link the box that appears Click embed and you are finished You can also past the link in the text box as part of your paragraph or sentence. Any questions please pm one of us Mods or Scott and we will help where we can. It really isn't hard it just looks it from the directions. Thanks and enjoy. The Mods & Scotty
Good job Pete. I should do a couple with the phone. So, I'll need to move them from the phone to the PC, then to Youtube? I'll have to check the format the phone uses. ETA: My Droid uses MP4. Just an FYI.
My iPhone will upload videos directly to our YouTube account/channel, which has made uploading videos a breeze. As soon as they are uploaded it gives an option to share the YouTube link which I just copy and paste into the thread post. I assume most smartphones do likewise?
I will have to try that. I have a YouTube app on my phone. I thought I started a channel but could not get anything on there.??? I gave up frustrated. You would think I was 60 years old my ability with technology, no offense to the savy 60 yr holds out there that can run circle around me.!! Heck I can't even figure out Outlook at work. I don't have a single contact entered there or know how to barely use my Calender!! I still keep a Rolodex on my desk as I like it better and am faster. Between that and my cell phone. I'm 31 years old,, I kind of missed the technology thing I guess. We had it but not like the kids today and I liked other thongs, like outdoors!!! I'm a forester, I manage tree and sell wood, I hate the desk and computer! I want to be in my truck and in then woods checking on loggers!
I went thru the ore loaded YouTube app and figured it out. I took your advice about corner clicking or something. Did not follow you word for word but just thought it can't be this complicated.II have it figured out now. My phone quality is terrible but what I have. I can use our camera but there is just a few more steps to uploading, bit may use it in future as well.