Do cats meo? Do cows moo? Does the annoying neighbor next to you ever stop being annoying? Pfft am I gonna leave beer behind..... That's like leaving your child at the grocery store!
Haven't made that in years. I guess I will have to try it and post a picture. I was going to post a picture of the empty lasagna dish and empty blackberry crumble dish I brought home from the potluck but I guess that's really not what this thread is about. I'll see if I do any baking tomorrow. Almost time to be making Christmas cookies.
Wow Dave, that oatmeal dish looks great. I bet with a scoop of ice cream it could double for dessert.
Hey fishingpol, Tell us about that cake that resembles a piece of wood with mushrooms growing out of it. I meant to ask you about that.
The Buche de Noel is a traditional French dessert made around the christmas season. It is a jelly roll cake recipe baked in a shallow sheet pan. As it cools, you cover the cake with a dishcloth, roll it up, and let cool. Once cool, unroll, frost and roll back up. There is less flour in the mix compared to a regular cake recipe, so it can pretty much roll up without tearing. The ends are cut off exposing the ends of the "log". The cut pieces can be attached back on with frosting to make stub ends. The mushrooms are made from marzipan, and it is all dusted with powdered sugar to represent snow. Pick your frosting to match your wood species. I usually make two sheets for an adequate sized round. If you google image or wikipedia these cakes, there are some amazing pictures of ones people made.
Thanks Woodwidow. I do like making them. What is funny, is that the recipe is average in flavor. I have had better flavor in other cakes. Maybe I will add some vanilla or almond extract. Frosting helps give it a boost, but I really don't like canned frosting. It is a time saver though.
Have you tried grated orange peel or use orange juice for part of the liquid of the cake? Lemon could be used as well.
A friend lent me her shortbread press so I had to experiment with it today. Here is the press. Here is what came out of it. I usually make shortbread this way. As well, I made 4 mini-loaves of bread. I didn't roll the loaves properly so I have lots of seams showing. That's it for today!