After reading on another site, it seems that a stock 461 does just as good as a dual port front covered 461, with maybe a better idle with the standard muffler. I went dual port cover on my 461 and it's got a little meaner sound but not overdoing the noise. It doesn't concern me much if the DP cover doesn't add much power, but the idle factor might. I spent considerable time tuning and tweaking the carb. More of a learning and fun exercise than it was out of necessity. No tach, all by ear now so I could have room for improvement here. So before I retry the standard muffler cover, does anyone agree a stock 461 idles better on average with the standard cover?
Id leave the Dp cover on. You'll get a small performance gain vs stock. The smoother idle thing is kind of irrelevant in my book. It's not like the saw idles so poorly it dies all the time. So why worry?
Yea, maybe so. I did get it tuned pretty good with a good steady idle once the saw warms up. Dead cold it's a little fast...
Put the dual port muffler or if you want the triple port or a fourth port mufler . Dont listen the stihl they dont know , listen me i know better
I'd keep the DP cover and remove the baffle from inside the can. I'd open up both ports, or add a 3rd port. My 461 and 460 have tri ports and have gained power with each one.
Pantelis, hard to tell if you're serious here to be honest but from what I could understand in your other posts on different threads it sounds like you have alot of knowledge bout saws. Ya stihl, husky, or whoever design products, with alot of objectives to meet usually.
See, I cut around alot of noise sensitive areas and to be honest, the 461 has good power imo to begin with and really don't want any louder than the DP cover. I'm glad I asked though, it's convinced me to leave the DP cover on so saved taking the cover on/off again. I started with an aftermarket cover which is just fine, but after a couple uses the paint started flaking off pretty good. So, being I had extra change to spend I went with an OEM cover and looks identical but haven't noticed any paint flaking off. Anyways, thanks for the responses.
In my extremely novice experience... My stock MS461 was beast, pulled 32" RS full comp. o.k. and RSF like butter in 30+" white oak. I would not dink around with a muff mod. Either keep it stock, which is pretty damm good, or go full out and get it full-on woods ported. Just my humble experience. Your mileage may vary...
I vote leave it. Even if your not seeing a power difference the saw will run cooler by letting it breath. I'm with dex remove the baffle and leave the DP cover. Your saw will thank you!
And the other thing I will add? Is to get a MS 460 coil. Because this saw is limited, the saw gets the most out of the muff mod by tuning it to higher RPM. A good muff mod and a saw can still 4 stroke around 15,000. My 440 was stock with a nice muff mod and 4 stroked hard at 15,000.
Ya, the coil is a good point and was in the works....I have an 066 coil that wasn't off a poly flywheel though so still looking for one. Btw, this is about the third thread I started on this and I think I've brought it up enough.
A little fun is good i think , anyway put to the saw what muffler you like much more . for my knowledge........... i dont know nothing.