use a 10-10-10 or 13-13-13 granular fertilizer - dig the hole with a spade shovel pour 1/4cp add soil back and then plant your. If you get the fertilizer to close to seedlings you'll burn them
No, From all the reading I did on the subject, I determined that the dirt buildup thing doesn't work. What I'd like to try when I have time, is to make a box tower with holes in the sides for the potatoes to grow from. I think that would be the only way to get a high yield from a small space. The boxes make the potatoes really low maintenance. They crowd the box out and weeds have nowhere to grow.
Neighbor got a new chicken coupé, this was the dirt under his old one. Think I'll try some corn in this patch.
I may till in any leftover leafgro from the tater bed, but this was some primo looking humus, no smell either. This was the chicken "yard", many scraps and leaves mixed in. The actual coupé poo is coming tomorrow and will go in an area I don't plan to use this year. (Same area the quail poo goes.)
Gotcha. I usually put all my leaves on the garden as food comes off in the fall. Than I run the chicken tractor over it. I don't worry about to much nitrogen as the carbon from the leaves helps out. Changed up a little this year and did a huge kinda hugelkultur garden. No mounding just buried a bunch of brush and a few junky logs.
The problem here basod is there is only about 6'' of dirt then mountains of shale which is a big pain. My buddy has one of these that i use. Will grab a truckload of good stuff this week and gonna go up the road here and see if the sheep farmer has any old stuff left?
We're still getting too cold overnight here, but the soil in the beds is starting to warm. I might start some green beans in my new rack. Prepping the beds feels gooder. Getting a compost pile going again after about 2 years will be nice. I have a potential source of pallets to make some compost bins. We'll see how that goes. Daryl, you have strawberries coming up already? Where are you?
I'm in NW PA. Only the strawberries in the ground and 1 in a container made it through the winter. 50s here today. The smaller ones are the "fake" strawberries. Can't remember their name. Berries tend to do very well here in the ground.
Was told earlier that we don't need much more this year dave. Emma likes laying in the gardens around the house so its always eventful when things get a blooming.
that would be amazing stuff if thats true. I need some for my hinges on my work van(GMC). They are on the outside of the door. After a few years they rust tight and the door wont open. That is a horrible design. We drill holes in the hinges and stick the straw on the lube can right in the holes to force the lube in. But they still rust fast over time. Where do you find Kroil?