The line crosses my driveway about 400' uphill from this location. I've had to fell several trees in directions they didn't want to go, in order to avoid dropping them onto that line.
So long as this involves a DSL line, that has to take priority. If you do some cutting and the line breaks, you could be at risk of paying for fixing the line! That is a lot of wood and very good wood too. But I highly doubt it will rot between now and when the company fixes the line. Then you are in business!
If they do come out to take care of this, I'd be sure to point out any other trees that are in "danger " of falling on their line. Maybe they'll drop them while they are on site to avoid a return visit.
Had the tree your oak chose to destroy been anything but a hickory, you would not be having this problem.... I agree with the others. A quick call to the phone company will likely solve the problem. Legally, it is their right of way and they are obligated to keep it safe. It isn't safe for you right now. They are not going to want liability issues. Bet they are out there in a heartbeat if you word your situation carefully.
Get a come-along and see if you can pull the crotch away from the tree it's sitting on? If it can come back just half a foot it position itself in a more predictable position. Then again, call the utility company and tell them there are powerlines on the ground. They might take care of it. If anything they will come out and check it out and get the phone company involved.
I agree with splitoak. All kinds of stored energy in that line. Last thing you want to do is explain to them you broke 2 poles just trying to help out. You may have to call your electric provider first and have them come out, just to say this is not an electric line. Then call the provider and tell them electric Co has been here its not an electric line, but it is unsafe. They should respond than.
They may not as they may take the stance of its cheaper to fix when the problem occurs. The phone Co can be a pain to deal with around here at least.
I'd call em an drop the Safety bomb on em. If that doesn't get the job done then i'd go the tannerite route and worry about the dsl later. On another note, let's get a pic of that 53" oak!
OK here ya go. This is actually the smaller of the two massive white oaks in this part of the woods. The other, about 100' northeast of this one, is about 60" DBH and has twice the crown.
[QUOTE="Jon_E, post: 306573, member: 2448" now suspended in midair by the hickory and by the telephone/DSL line that is underneath it.[/QUOTE] Charge up your cell phone and jerk the livin chit out of that branch until it breaks the line, then call Fairpoint Or you might get a response out of them if you tell them there is noise/static on your phone line at times. They'll take it down the rest of the way.