I wonder if anyone has done one of them control thingamajiggies, and I bet nobody can really tell you the value of bottom wrap. Plus keep in mind that the technique is originally for drying lumber, which needs to be more dry and more uniform than firewood. We might not need to be as careful as the lumber guys do.
This may very be true, oh wonderfully avatared Wood Duck (first duck I ever shot, too! & had mounted), But if it's good enough for bring choice lumber specimens to low MC, why not aim for it with choice BTU specimens? Really tho, it's whatever floats yer boat! And it can be an added expense to need bottom plas-kit!
Why not put plastic under the stack? Because the stacks are already stacked. I have several holz hausen that I plan to wrap in plastic to see if they will dry better, but at two cords each I'd rather not lift them up to put plastic under them.
Maybe I chose the wrong wording... Try it this way: using plastic for the bottom may be more expensive, by way of using more plastic. I don't want you to lift your holz hausens either!
Not trying to sound smart but wouldn't that prolong the drying. I thought their purpose was to get as much air as possible to the wood. I would think that the middle would stay moist. I don't know I've never built a Hausen only going by what I read.
I guess you could compare the plastic on the bottom to a house built on posts...no basement, no crawlspace, just open to the elements. You would want to insulate the floor joist in order to keep the house floor warmer? With the weep holes in the plastic bottom, the condensation will drain away. I think with all sides wrapped in plastic, it would retain heat better than if the bottom was not wrapped. Might allow air/wind to migrate up into the "kiln"?
It'll also minimize some of the flapping and shredding action if wind can't grab onto an opening. After several months of sun 6 mil plastic gets pretty brittle. Doesn't take much wind to rip it up.
I havent taken a temp reading...but my cube pretty much looks like deacons...lots of condensation....gettn ready to do another one..all white oak and mullberry...