After being on here for a couple days now I have to say I feel lucky to have the temps we have had so far, compared to others who are in sub-freezing with negative digits . It's 33 here in SE Mass, overcast, calling for rain later. Stove is running, house is 72 at 8:10 am. It's been a great shoulder season so far too, there are days I will turn back to shoulder wood just because the weather lets me. So far I will say I have only used maybe 1/4 cord of winter wood so far.
Mid 50's here now, dropping into 30's by quitting time. Ash for next 4 days. Got Hedge for Tuesday, Wednesday going to be teens for highs, single digits for lows.
Cold finally got here today after a warmup this weekend. It's down around 25 or so currently. Burning oak and a little bit of this and that. Not even sure what some of it is. It all burns
It was 76 here today - yeah I know sucks Stoves been cold for 3 days now, probably fire up tomorrow evening as high on Saturday is supposed to be low 40's
that's funny I have been to Alabama few times in the spring, people walking around all bundled up and it's 65 degrees
You acclimate to anywhere after a while, growing up in Maine I chuckle at what the GF considers cold, but damm if it's around 35 with the wind blowing - it feels cold to me now. I can handle the regular 90's now though - most people would have called it a day after 10am up north. If it's 55 or better I hunt in shorts somedays - if I don't go bushwacking through the National forest - lots of thorny vines down here
Dropped to -6 so I broke into my ash and elm. I was trying to use up my spring shoulder wood first and was about 2 days away from finishing off my close.
3 here right now,7 when I woke up at 5AM.Yesterday was 11 when I started dropping a 17" Hickory snag,14 when I finished hauling it up to processing/splitting area.Ended up with not quite a full p/u load from the 1 tree,had guessed it was only 1/2 before it came down.... 80 in here now,am burning a mix of old dead Apple,some 15 month old Honey Locust,11 month old Green Ash & 3 year old + Mulberry. May see 15 today if we're lucky,not supposed to be over 20 til Tuesday at least.Very good chance of snow on Sunday moving in,may see 2-3 inches in several areas.
Temps dropped off a cliff a couple of days ago, 11 deg. yesterday, 13 this morning. I've started using some of the (precious) oak for the overnight, but I still wake up to check the stove during the night. First snow forecast for tonight. The wood truck is now a snowplow, lowered the tire pressure and chained up yesterday. New (used) generator on site. Studded tires on the RT4WD wagons. 15 cords stacked and under cover. Come on winter, I'm ready!
11 here in north Texas. Wind chill of -1 burning umm... Nat gas.. stove coming next year. Time to split some more cherry in preparations. I know I know. Black sheep of the firewood hoarders.
It has been mild the last two days. Mid 30s and into 40's yesterday! Still 35 right now. But cooler temps on the way. The Ash is burning nicely in the gasification boiler.
Looks like some chitty stuff coming on Monday. We will see. What you have on your radar there woodlands?
We might get 4-8 inches of snow by Sunday night, then we have some ice for Monday. December 16-19 might be a nor'easter.
High Snow and ice. High today in mid 20's. Depending on the forecast, 1F to -4F tonight. I'm 24 hours into a 60 hour shift and the wife home is manning the stove. Burning Red Oak, as usual.