See I'm no saw racer, just a saw and firewood junkie, and those running conditions are unique IMO but I get what you're saying....idk just my 2 cents. Lotta good choices these days.
"Race or work 1 oil for me Klotz KL-200. If you run alky race or work with ethanol gas. Stays mixed no separation I have ever seen yet." Belray and methanol don't work. Sort of apples and oranges. It makes sense however that you would stay consistent.
So this thread did get me thinking how clean is Belray in a saw really? Luckily I have a perfect candidate. The saw is a MS 241 that I own for my business and it is almost exactly 1 year old and has been fed a pure diet of Belray since it was new. In that year it has had well over 100 tanks of gas through it. 200? not sure. As many as 5 tanks a day. Kind of dirty. Hmmm Hmmm Decided to dig deeper.
I ran HP ULTRA then switched to Saber Pro this winter. I get a case of quarts for $110. 32:1 with non oxy.
Yeah, but it makes me scratch my head on the posts of piston tops over at AS where they say "this saw has seen 5 gallons through it" and you could eat off it. Like the 044 I put a new piston in, It has 2-3 tanks through it and I have been checking the tune and it is fine and it has more coloration on the top than the pistons people have posted over at AS.
If it wont mix with methanol it wont stay mixed with ethanol. Dont forget Ethanol. Thats why I run KL-200. I cant buy non-ethanol gas without paying through the nose for canned gas. I just wont do it when I know I am good to go with ethanol gas mixed.
If the saw is a but rich it will keep the top wet. Matt's 7900 that was 3 years old was ran with lucas after ultra and had less build up. I think some oils like lucas and motul will clean the other deposits off.
I am with you, I am lucky in that I have non-E 87 and 93 less than 2 miles down the road now. Before, I was getting it in town at the farmers Coop. If I did though, 2 gallons of mix looks to last 2-2.5 weeks for me on average. I looked in quickbooks and I bought 4 liters of Belray 10 months ago. I wouldn't think separation would be an issue that soon, but maybe I am wrong.
I noticed that too; the saw is back together, I most likely need it in the morning. There doesn't look to be even a hint of heat so I didn't think to much about it. It has only been running for short bursts and infrequently the last few weeks. Most interesting thing was the cylinder screws were not torqued down very much. All of them would have broken loose with a couple fingers on the t-handle.
I looked at it on the computer and it just seemed too dry compared to the skirts. Those bolts don't torque to much. The serrated bottoms of the screws will hold with not as much force as you think.
Ok, mdavlee you got me thinking and since I have my lawn mower serviced and the lawn cut I yanked the jug off again and took a few more pics and a looked and felt and there is a thin coat of oil on the surfaces around the rod bearing, but the surface is sort of dull and makes it look like it isn't there.