I don't like to borrow things and don't like being asked about borrowing something. I have a few good buddies that I know will fix/replace broken things but not many. My wife will say why not see if so and so has one. I always reply cause if I break it I have to buy one anyways so I might as well break my own.
Yup... everything you said... I rent stuff, if I don't have it... rather than ever borrowing from someone.
I'm the exact same. Not a fan of borrowing and definitely not a fan of loaning. Had too many bad experiences loaning things out. If they need it bad enough, I go with it.
I only will lend or borrow from my very good buddy that I've known for 33 years and my parents. I'd rather buy all of my own stuff, but sometimes that's not reasonable.
I agree completely with what your saying, I have had some bad experiences also with lending stuff out. However was a boyscout and that do a good deed thing is ingrained in me. example a really good friend lost power which meant no heat, this winter for 8 days his widowed mother lives with him. not only did I give him my little generator for a week but also borrowed another from mutual friend for him to use. so I guess a lot of it for me depends on extenuating circumstances... I need to borrow a 1 ton to move a towable kitchen fry shack for a charity I'm associated with I got to borrow that they are impossible to rent in this area especially in sugaring season. very nervous as I will pay to fix anything broken. but he is a business owner also and will get some free advertising and his truck will be returned full of gas regardless of how full it is when I borrow it.
Look at it through the unemployed guy's eyes though. $250 for a weekend of work? I'm assuming that's tax free cash payment. That's a good chunk of change to make as supplemental $.
Thanks, it's something I'm proud of as it took over 10 years to go through all the stages up to that point. It's on my resume, but only sometimes is recognized. I earned it at 18. It was a bunch of work, and part of my project was oddly enough, making tree ID signs along a nature trail. So, I guess there's no coincidence that I burn and cut wood.
my nephew earned his eagle last weekend, Most might not recognize dedication it took to earn but it speaks volumes to me!
Oh, believe me, I get it. I'm not saying it's not good money. I'm saying most youngsters won't work for that kind of cash around here. You are lucky to get them to work at all. I offer $20 cash per hour when I need help and still have trouble finding help that will leave their cell phone in the truck and bust azz. BTW, congrats on the Eagle. I quit at Life 'cuz "it wasn't cool anymore" I was 16 and stupid. I'm kicking myself now.
Both my sons were Eagle Scouts. Does that count? My Dad was a King Scout and carried the flag in at the opening ceremonies at the World Jamboree in Washington DC in 1937. I have photos he took of Roosevelt, and of Baden Powell. He road his bike from Ormstown, Quebec to Washington DC. He was on the stage and renewed his Eagle (King) Scout vow (or whatever it is called) when my boys were awarded theirs. Have four nephews who are also Eagle Scouts. Both my sons were OA too, as is one of my nephews. One of my sons did Philmont twice, once with his troop and later as trail crew. Both went on several high adventure treks, and one worked at scout camp from an early age. Scouting is great when it is done the right way. Sorry to get off topic....
Rotti, looks like great weather this weekend for the work. You'll be able to supervise in a bathing suit and t-shirt!
That's pretty cool. Neat story. I'm OA as well, went to Philmont in the late 80s, as well as boundary waters canoe high adventure trip. I recall the us went to war, desert shield, while we were gone on our 2 week adventure at Philmont. It was a shock to be away from civilization and to hear that as your first news back in society. Yep, threadjack Rotti, but hopefully he shows up as the "boy scout" and gets it done for you this weekend.
As someone who had done a fair amount of hiring, believe me, things like that are noticed. Why? It shows you are someone who can organize and get things done. No doubt you also have what we call, people skills. So never neglect to put it on your resume and if you also include a cover letter, point out that fact.