Lookin at this Joby JM3-01WW GripTight GorillaPod Stand I already have a big camera tripod so , Suggestions for that mount for smartphone also
I have one with a camera mount and one with a light. They're not bad. Don't really grip strong (to round surfaces like you'd think) and the sockets can crack on the legs. I bought the one with the light first, it had magnets in the feet. I thought the tripod would be perfect mounting my camera on my quad rack or car hood while videoing someone else. Unfortunately the cam mount one didn't have the magnets. I do use my lighted one quite a bit still. One of the legs broke a socket, but I just glued it back together. Handy on the vise when you're doing something intricate. Like I said, it has magnets so it's perfect for that. The brightness of the light is pretty nice, too. The light; http://amzn.com/B002IT5DIU
I was lookin at that, http://www.amazon.com/Square-Jellyf...d=1428636806&sr=8-1&keywords=jellyfish+tripod and this one has a swivel ball , http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008VI7ORA/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A11V2MDXFAC9IW
I have a smaller collapsible tripod very much like that, it gets used way more than the gorilla tripod. My tripod does have the standard camera mount though, which it looks like the jellyfish thing you linked utilizes.
Yeah the second one I linked is just a mount with a swivel ball, for a real tripod Can you attach the Joby Gorilla stand to a tree limb or pipe ? will it hold?
If it's a smooth surface, like a pipe, it wont hold quite as tight as you'd think. You would most likely end up hanging it from pipe, which it will hold. Just don't expect it to stay perpendicular to gravity. Something like a tree limb would be a lot better due to the varying shape and bark to grip to.
I've used the little joby with a canon powershot elph 300 on a ship hand rail to take video while going through the panama canal. It held onto the rail well but had to be 'massaged' tight onto the rail to do so. Watch the magnets on the feet. I didn't find them strong enough to hold much more than itself to steel, but they did a wonderful job of wiping out magnetic stripes on credit cards and room keys ......
Yes, you definitely have to work it so it will stay put, even then I've had it come loose. So yours came with the mag feet eh? Hmmm, I think I got ripped then.
they make three version, original/magnetic/video. I bought the one with the video head to pan up/down/left/right with. It has the light blue feet which are magnetic. http://joby.com/gorillapod/video Ha, I guess they improved the magnetic feet and now the ones with stronger magnets have red feet. No way will the blue feet version stick to a wall and hold a camera. http://joby.com/gorillapod/magnetic
Ok , found I can buy these separate for $32 total ,GripTight Mount for phone, and GorillaPod Video Tripod with magnetic feet and the phone mount will work on my regular tripod http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0042FZA1S/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A8J2TF6F7O06