Grizzly Adam ..... This has been a blast.... You done good with this one... Where else can you go to find this type of entertainment about wood? Only at FHC....
It looks like Sugar Maple has a commanding lead in its sweet 16 match. Pin Oak's luck appears to be tapped out. Honey Locust is ahead but its margin isn't quite as sweet with a one point lead over Mulberry in a close battle. Apple looks to be stronger than the Hoophornbeams in their matchup while White Oak's extra season of training appears to be paying off over American Beach.
I think Black Locust has the easiest matchup. I also think a #1 seed is going down (Black Cherry). Amen to that!
Apple now has a commanding lead at 13-6, unless Ironwood can pull out a red hot poker their time will soon be up.
And here is how the matches ended, with the higher seed taking each match. For Mulberry fans it's got to sting.
Honey Locust vs. Sugar Maple for the SW region's final. Looks like one sweet matchup. Sugar Maples sap will certainly be flowing and since they always have the home court advantage (isn't every court Sugar Maple?) they are almost guaranteed victory. In the NW White Oak is burning hot. They show what three years of training can do. No matter what kind of sparks Apple can pull out of the fire, White Oak should prevail in their face up.
Mulberry is nothing but squashed berries on the sidewalk. Or perhaps that purple nastiness that the black birds leave on your car!
I think it will end up with thorns for sugar maple, allowing sugar maple to concentrate on making syrup, while honey locust don't give a chit and plays on.
Come on, my favourite berries, my favourite smoke wood, my favourite firewood. Tree has a great profile too, Van Gogh even had to paint it.