I wanna buy that 28" conversion kit and give it a spin on my 261 and 362 in the name of science..the more bad i hear..the more i wanna know.
It will run the chain.......but after awhile, it starts flattening the bottom edge of the tie straps. Are you sure Brian's o26 ain't using a Picco rim? I prolly missed something somewhere though. lol
I need to pull the sprocket cover and look now ,it is a reg 3/8 as far as i know ,i run reg bars and picco with same sprocket on that saw
I would think a ported 60cc saw has enough stones to pull 28" with picco..i like the idea of reach , all that BS with a 32" on a ms 250 im not buyin ... im gonna order that 28" conversion kit today , my curiosity is killin me. Edit : since the 260 obviously doesnt have the same drum as a 660 how is this kit universal ?
Think i read once a 036 with the small drum can be upgraded to one with the 044 sized bearing and bigger splined sprocket ,are the 036 and o26 the same drum ?They both have the smaller splines
I believe they are..but the 361 and 362 have the bigger drum , i just went through this lookin to try .325 on my 361 and 362 , i had to just buy a 9T 325 large spline rim...i had no other options.
The kit might come with a different drum. That's how the older 034s are upgraded. I think the Oregon drum for the 261 and 026 are not mini spline. That would allow a bigger rim.
I just tried the rim/drum/bearing between my 461 and 362 and its a direct swap..so what im gettin is 261 small drum and small spline 361 - 461 and everything in between.. medium sized drum..large spline 660-661 big drum..large spline Make any sense ? So to run picco on a 361 to a 660 you just need a large spline picco rim and the correct nose on your bar ? Oh..and to run it on your 026/260/261 you need a picco small spline rim ?
I figured out some more..i tried a picco rim on the 325 drum setup that comes on a 261 and it was a direct swap , im startin to narrow this down.
I've have no time to touch it. Spent Dec. on the kitchen.........all my free time since on the cattle. I'm taking all of April off to work on it though. We'll prolly get it done then.
My project slowed down too ,mud room is finished ,need some wood floors in the living room and a woodstove ,windows need trimmed out in that room too and it's done
According to that piltz dude ( hes an ignorant mother ****** ) you can run picco in a standard 3/8 rim it makes no difference , i really dont like that dude.
The rim from an 034/036-360 (upgraded) all the way up to a 660 will all be universal (possibly an 088/880 as well, but never owned or ran one). The 261/260/026 used a small spline (as did 034/036). They don't make a Picco rim for large mount saws like your 362 or 461. But it seems many people have used the standard 3/8" rim with success. I know what I am running at GTG's this year.
I see absolutely no difference between a standard 3/8 and a picco rim as far as how the chain is going to ride in it..im tryin it.