Seriously Canada, it's -18f here in NY. Can you take some of this cold back? I feel like by mid February the thermometer should start going the opposite direction. My wife's new Subaru outback is sitting in Boston under several feet of snow and they have no idea when they are going to be able to get cars out. Even though most of that snow came up the east cost I still blame Canada! Just kidding, you guys are OK. Now make it warmer...
No kidding, someone let the air out somewhere up there. They need to find the leak and stop the havoc it's creating. -8 this morning at 6am, VERY untypical of my area.
See...............don't mess with us...............If you keep it up, the next thing we are going to send is a blizzard of hockey pucks..................
I do l ike winter too. This year was rough because it all came in 4 weeks and whose to say when it will end. My wife got an invite to her sisters for a family reunion in mid June and I told her this morning I wasn't so sure the snow here would all be gone yet. I think we are just under 100 inches
Well, if winning the Super Bowl determines bad winter weather, looks like we should be having mild winters here in PA for the foreseeable future.