WW, when I have questions about what brands to buy, Reckless is my go to guy for info. As far as cigar storage, don't put the cigars in direct contact with anything moisture as it could wick the moisture from it and the cigar would bulge out and ruin the cigar. I know this! I have a little cooler that I set up last week with a plastic platform with holes raised above and separating the cigars from two damp sponges that are the source of humidity. So far, it works ideal! Is DH complaining about the condition of the cigars?
No complaints, but he asked me to order a bulk pack which will take him a VERY long time to use up, just wanted to keep them good for him. They were delivered a day or so ago. He would probably smoke them even blown out and stale , trying to help LOL.
I'd personally wouldn't keep them in the refrigerator. I keep mine down stairs in a big igloo cooler. Temperatures around 65ish +/- 5 is where mine typically stay. Humidity 68-70%. I've used a Rubbermaid/Tupperware container with success.
Why is tupperware better than a ziplock? AND, our garage will not see 65* for several months yet if that is better. Edit, just texted him to pick up a tupperware for his cigars at the store tonight
I'm not sure why, just that it was recommended. And it served its purpose . Just make sure it's the good tight seal kind. I can take a picture when I get home. Does your husband buy box's of cigars? If so make sure to save the little pieces of Spanish mahogany in them to put in with his cigars. If not I can send you a couple, with some kitty litter (silica moisture beads) to help keep the moisture balance.
Thank you friend!! How generous and kind of you to offer!! The silica moisture beads I am familiar with were put in potting soil to retain moisture for my house plants. I could order that OR kitty litter from amazon. Have never seen Spanish Mahogany Only veneer wood chip samples on high end office furniture I used to sell LOL.
No problem, got plenty. This is just how I do it. I've picked a bit up and there. Reckless showed me the kitty litter, since my moisture beads where getting old. The rubber maid containers only hold the cigars now in the igloo.
Ziplock allows for the transfer of moisture and is not airtight. Fridge is ok short term if you dont have anywhere else... box freezer (deep freeze) would be better than a fridge as they will 1. kill any possible beetles you may have and 2. keep the moisture in the cigar (all of this in airtight tupperware of course) all major brands (padron, arturo fuente, tatuaje, my father) all freeze their cigars before shipping to kill beetles. Both of these are short term (1-2 weeks MAX) Your best solution is to buy a small cooler or like me a 150qt tehehe and place the cigars in there once you clean it out with soap and water and stuff it with crumpled newspaper closed for a few days (gets rid of the plastic smell) and buy a gallon of distilled water and use the small bowl clean sponge method. Not the best solution but a good temporary one. The only down side to any temperatures sub 60 is that is slows the aging process of the cigar but if you dont plan on hoarding cigars like me then no worries. My coolidor is in the basement currently and is at 55F and 63% rh...... pics of coarse Its like playing jenga at this point
Chevy is you can hold onto those DPG cuban classics for a couple years they are GOLD!! I smoked one the other day with about 4-5 years on it and WOW no more pepper all aged tobacco and sweet spice flavor yummmmmmmm
this is how you know youre doing it right......... looks at that yellow cello!!! Same cigar old style band
Kitty litter??? Huh??? Is it a cigar moister product called "kitty litter", or u mean real kitty litter?? wildwest, If you don't have a good humidor to stor cigars in, another options from the ideas above is to purchase good quality glass Tubo cigars! Most good cigars that come packaged in individual glass Tubo cigars will stay fresh for a ver long time without any special treatment. They are airtight for the most part, are wrapped with some moist wood, and stay fresh a long time. Some examples are: http://www.famous-smoke.com/carlos+torano+reserva+decadencia+churchill+cigars/item+26051
Crap! Didn't see that till now, but that was too late anyway! My SS did exactly that, was a great idea!
Cooler size.. Also yes thats a silica kitty litter that suppose to give and take moisture at about 68% humidity...
Is tehehe a brand? I'd check the contents of kitty liter closely, might be some chess in there your not "interested" in.
Wild West, Like scotch? If so, here is a deal for 2 bottles of scotch and a humidor! http://www.internetwines.com/rws55722.html
Tehehehe is in lol'ing as in This is the same silica used in all the expensive brand beads http://www.petsmart.com/cat/litter/...ee-cat-litter-zid36-20098/cat-36-catid-200093 biggest thing to keep in mind is the dust from the silica so put it some where you wont touch it much or put in in a mesh bag or panty hose and cut and tie. You dont need much my whole 150qt cooler runs off less than a pound and I change it out 6-12 months so a bag listed above could last you a couple years. Make sure you ALWAYS use distilled water if the rh in your cooler is low. As for tubo cigars, decent idea but I have never seen a brand I a tube i would actually smoke. Alot of big brand companys (cohiba, h uppman) are selling foiled cigars at local gas stations.