Should of burned it last night but oh well. Loaded the stove full of locust split for I think 15 months or so. And it looked like it was 2 yr dead standing at thatpoint. I think it was less than 20% mc when I split it. Good solid ring when clapped. Will check latter with Mac its content. But filled in the gaps with 4 small oak splits. Some red some white. Let's see what it will do!! Waiting to see the cat shoot to the moon!!
Wwl the outside is 40f. But im trying to heat 2000sqft of mostly uninsulated house!! The cat probe is sitting at 1200f right now. Maybe 15 mins engaged?
I figured some would think that solar wind. About 2:30am I cut the air back as I had a half a box of red coals!! Still plenty of Carol this mourn for heat but had to reload on them at 7am as I had to go to work. Opened the bypass and let it burn a bit then reloaded. The cat I think was 1000+f then. This load was loaded at 9:30-10 last night. Hall outside bedroom was 71 this miurning, at hottest in night was 73
My fav . clemsonfor, you would be amazed with how good your house will hold heat once you insulate. Huge difference in temp and less wood consumption. I would make that a serious goal in your future. Sorry for sounding preachy
I don't really have the cash to rip out my walls and insulate or to cut holes every 16"s to blow in wall insulation. Maybe a future project but not now. Were mild and I can get all the wood I need so I willcontinue. I am amazed at how little heat modern homes require. Just cooking showering appliance heat like TV and fridge and body heat seem to keep them warm!
I had a pic of the locust somewhere? Old phone I guess? It will be a few more weeks till o get anymore overloaded pics. With new baby there is no time to cut wood.
Clemson, when it comes time, you might consider the foam insulation rather than the blown in. We did that and then the same company did Pallet Pete's and another hearth member. We all love it!
I really don't want foam. I know its gonna be air tight but. When I have to pull wires or rewire parts of the house there will be no way to pull the holds and easily chase the wires in there. I have an old school house and there are no staples on the wire internally in the walls just in the attic or crawl where they go into the walls. When I rewired the far 2 bedrooms hall and bath it was easy. Just undo wires tape the old to the new and pull to the new spot, with a helper of course. Cut and repeat. Just my preference. I do plan on small remodels in future that will involve electrical changes and that may prove troublesome. But I guess with planning and forward thinking ness I could do it and or just use intereior walls to chase. My house is 3000 total sqft. But the back addition which has stove room and an upstairs bedroom has insulation in walls. The other 2000 does not have exterior wall insulation. And this is a brick home so they will either have to drill my sheetrock interiors or some how fit in attic with a flexible bit and drill sill plates? Curious how do they keep the goo out of your recepticles and switches?
Had no problem with that but we did keep a watch on most of them when they were putting it in. Found a couple weak spots in siding that we did not know were there. As for future, we hope we don't have to do anything with it but if so, it is pretty darned easy to put a hole through that stuff. Before the guy got started he showed me a big piece that he had broke off of some that he had done. I was amazed at how light it was but also that it would crumble if you needed it to.
I guess I am thinking its hard to push a fish tape through it to then pull a wire?? I have not rulled foam out but not sure its my best fit? But if they don't have to drill a 4" hole to foam your walls like the blow in I may consider it more.
Not hard to make the hole for the wiring. As for the outside of the house, we put out some corn and that drew in some big woodpeckers. Nice holes, huh?!
Funny I was also expecting something like this also. But that is a really pretty picture of a good fire !
Like I said I have a brick house!! No way i am putting that many holes between each studs!! At least with blown in I can put one hole per 16 at the top of wall and blow it in. I have no cripple studs that I have seen so it should fill all the way to bottom.