Does anyone else when driving down the road or expressway find themselves looking at downed trees along the way. I do it all the time. I see one and identify the wood as best I can and say to myself wish I could cut that up for firewood.
Definitely, like forage said, even my bride will alert me to dead trees or stacks of firewood she sees as we drive. Ah....true love!!!
I sure did twice yesterday. First was a nice oak that was blown over and landed on a boulder about 18" off the ground on the side of the road. Perfect for bucking. The second on the same road, I noticed someone had a neat 2 cords, not top covered, with cribbed ends facing south in their driveway at 12:20pm.
I have to confess that I'm always on the look out for stacks, log loads and downers also. I think it is some sort of addiction...................
Non-stop my friend. I've met a lot of nice people when asking permission. One old grumpy guy came out and said well you want the wood, well you have to take it all. I said, wellllllll, (pause) ok let me go get the trailer. Then the grumpy guy helped me load it and then we sat on the tailgate and talked for 30 minutes.
As mentioned here before it's so bad (good) that I look for dead standing oak while sitting in my tree stands waiting for a passing deer or two. That way I have them all marked in my mind for after the season.
Drives me crazy in the summer when I go to the campgrounds. We have all these tall straight oaks and walnuts.No branches and straight as an arrow.I keep thinking how nice those would be to drop and buck up. No knots or limbs.just c.s.s.!
It's usually the nice straight no limb trees you can't get or have im usually neck deep in limbs and twisted wood Or on occasion find a great tree down but in a spot only a moutain goat could get too
I like to point it out to my wife when we're driving together. Mostly to get her snarkey response of "That's all you think about! Don't you already have enough firewood?" She just doesn't understand....
I guess that's true billb3 ... a new development lately... my honey notices every pile of logs or CSS hoards along our routes now. I can't believe it. She's even said good comments about my shed and stuff. I always expect a very long honey-do list afterward, but it never happens. (I think I've worn her down on that one and she's given up... )
Always! I`m actually waiting for the power line company to come and take down about 2 miles worth of overgrown locust and other junk trees on a road that I travel home everyday. They are those perfect sized trees that don't have a lot of small limbs and such that make great cutting!