Have to agree with LW,take apart and clean.Since running the accentra this winter have noticed heat level drops off way more and way faster than the integra,but it(accentra) has a much simpler design.I think a better heat exchanger would make cleaning less,but do not think I would trade as I can take apart,clean and put back together in one beer(not that I want to!).In my opinion certain stoves are very user friendly,and harman makes some.
Same here, clean it weekly to maintain best heat. With the combustion fan running (keeps ash inside the stove), I use an old paintbrush to wipe the ash from the heat exchangers, and the entire inside of the firebox, from the side shelves up. Takes about 2-3 minutes!
I do the same using a paint brush as well. I also go over the heat exchanger again with my hands, making sure I didn't miss anything. I think the biggest reason for heat loss, though, is the angled lip above the door. A lot of ash builds up there, insulating the end of the heat exchanger.
Sub, I thanked tt for the paintbrush tip, but I think it may have been your tip you posted. If so, THANKS!
Ok, so I cleaned the exchanger and thought I put everything back correctly, now the unit is making a whistling noise so I'm not sure I put the medallion and covers back correctly.
Took mine apart for the first time to clean, and I think I may not have the plates seated correctly. Stove is making whistling noise. Could you possibly post a picture of the medallion and how it sits on the burn pot, and the plates. I thought everything fit right back in, but obviously not.
I don't have your stove and maybe this won't help but did you read through that section of the manual? http://hearthnhome.com/downloads/installManuals/ACC52i_O.pdf
Hey J girl , The plates if they are like mine have tabs on the bottom that fit into slots with latches at the upper corners locking them in place ,medallion is fixed in place. After looking at the manual [thanks for the link Steve] it's the medallion that locks the plates in for you ,it very well might be that they are not seated properly. Other than the whistling sound the stove is working ???
Hey Will711- Will you be around say about 8am? I will try again to place the covers in place and could use some guidance. I'll take a picture of the plates and how I have them in. Thanks so much.