Everyone wanted to see pictures so here they are! Not like you bunch of woodenheads ain't seen a 461 and 66o about a million times! I bought the 461 Friday so it hasn't seen any wood yet. Still not sure it was the best choice but I got a C-note more than I was originally asking ($875)for my old saw and extra bars and chains so I went for it! Probably next week Stihl will announce a new 461 that's M-tronic equipped and has a vastly improved breather system. That's generally how my luck runs! I've had the 660 for about a month and it hasn't even had a full tank of fuel put through it yet, but it has eaten a large cherry tree. I will be installing the 32" bar, pictured, and a full skip chain on the 660 and moving the 25" down to the 461 and just holding the 20" bar in reserve.