Yes, this has been going on for a couple of years. Mostly from the big box stores, but as you say, it can travel fast. My tomatoes got the same thing this year, pretty prevalent in humid climates like the Mid Atlantic. Conversely, my peppers have been unaffected, and produced quite well up until frost.
Sue, yes my peppers were planted righ beside the tomatoes and they did perfectly well. I got enough peppers to feed the town and now a blemish on one of them. I also got great summer and zuchini squash, pumkins, cukes etc and winter squash did fine too. Just the tomatoes.
And wow, did I have snap beans galore! I grew a variety called "Provider" that was recommended. No diseases there. I hope the tomato problem goes away, I love my maters.
My dad used to look forward to all the seed catalogs that came in the mail in January. His favorite thing was poring over them at the kitchen table as the snow flew outside...
Gonna try and get these this year for the guys at work. The Carolina Reaper should make for some funny lunch hours.
Yep Jamuary. I brought a Husky tomato indoors from this summer. I've been real lazy this year with my set up and I am using a window and two small grow lights. Only one Huskie tomato and Carmen pepper plant. I am trimming the Husky to keep it small. Both have slowed down in production which I expected they would do. The days are getting longer so they should start producing more. Not sure how long the Carmen will last since I have been fighting aphids. Like I said, I have been real lazy and half assed motivated to do this. I have been growing plants indoors for about 3 years now but got off track a bit this season. Shortly here, I am going to try to start a Lizzano tomato and Mohawk pepper.
Think wisely my friend. I remember you messing with someone's dinner at the hunt camp...I also remember the pay back being just as funny....for everyone but you
OOOOOOH YAAAAAA!!! I remember that now. Brad got me good. Its a self inflicted competition at work and is funny as all get out!!
Now that is dedication. To get a tomato to fruit when our light is so poor is a real effort. There is a tomato farm near here that does that. I don't know how, but they supply us with fresh "real" tomatoes all year. We all know what a real tomato tastes like. Love to make blt's but with lettuce at nearly $3, I'm a bit reluctant to buy until the price comes down. One would think that the lower cost of energy would start showing up. It wasn't slow when there were spikes in energy cost.