Can you guys help me figure out what this is? I think it's mulberry due to the yellow color, not stringy, very hard. The only thing is it's way straighter than what I'm used to seeing around my area. Thanks!
I thought so too but on smaller pieces (<4") bark is similiar to mulberry. I'm at a loss because the vast majority of our mulberry is out in pastures by itself, while I got this out of a heavily wooded river bottom. The other trick is this stuff has got to be 20+ years old. It's out of my "honey hole" where my buddy (72 yrs old) cleared a bunch of his farm and made big stacks. It's amazing - full of ash, oak, walnut, hackberry, and hedge, all down and off the ground with the bark off! Ready to burn!
You ain't kidding! He loved dropping trees and then piling them up with the tractor and loader. That's all he'd ever do. He always said "when the trees see me comin' they start to shakin'!"
Any chance it is black locust? Yellow color and smooth grain, I would think BL. Bark pic is a little fuzzy.
I'm worried it might be pizz elm... I don't think it is because it's always been real stringy whereas this stuff is anything but. Does burn very well although not as long. What threw me off of locust is most of it that I see has a much wider streak of red-brown wood down the center. Black locust eh? May have to add that to the list of wood i've burned!
I'm sticking with black locust Mulberry Black Locust Actually, its difficult to say from the picture but the bark looks too thick and not scaly enough. The split looks like the cord of black locust I have in my wood lot.
The bark on your Mulberry Ralph does not look like the bark on the Mulberry here in Iowa, looks more like the bark in Hellbent's picture.
The same species of tree in Kentucky, or just the side of the hill, can look vastly different. That's what makes identifying trees from pictures so difficult. The type of lighting, natural, flash, florescent, can change colors of the wood. I can't say with 100% certianty what it is. I'm happy to defer to those with more experience than I.
Yep, i'll try to get some tomorrow... BTW, it was a "fresh" split from a tree that has beed down at least 20 years. That is what is really throwing me off...