My wife sort of gets it. You enjoys the warm of the wood stove. However; without a system in place until this year, it's been difficult to fully sell her on the whole wood burning. I believe that once I have a system that it easy to manage, she'll be onboard. Jason from RI
My wife knows that I enjoy the whole firewood thing so she goes along and helps out. But it does not hurt I live on 40 acres in the middle of the prairie and you cannot see a tree for miles around. I only have 8 cord stacked and split and when people come over for a visit their eyes pop out when they see the wood.
Same here. Getting her on board years back was another story. But now …. She will always offer a hand when gathering the rounds and stacking the splits. It certainly beats going to the gym or walking through the neighborhood. She realizes that that sometimes intense exercise is a good thing. And I am thankful. One of my neighbors once said, "Oh you're the guy with all the firewood." Yeah, that's me. And look no smoke from the chimney most times. I would love to know what they are thinking.
No concerns with my wife. She was even complaining yesterday because she wanted us to get out and cut some wood. I'll wait a few days until it is warmer.