30 degrees here, aint suppose to be burning anything. Another one of our infamous stage 2 burn bans just went into effect
We have about 3"+ of new snow and it is still coming down, lightly. How much you got up there thewoodlands?
mid 20's highs and lows in the low teens yesterday and today - will continue for a big, then 50 on Sunday with rain - crazy. No snow in sight. Burning the heavy duties wood now - oak and ash mainly. Didn't start early enough with the big wood and playing catch up to get the house warm! Cheers!
Just a guess Gasifier , 4 - 6 inches of the fluffy stuff. Nothing going on at the moment......just some wind gust.
Warmed up over what is was supposed to be, hadn't looked since early yesterday. Hanging at about 32º outside which I wasn't expecting. I had loaded the stove for bear and it was up to 77º in the upstairs above the stove room. I didn't have enough to carry me to tonight and didn't want to have to start a new fire before bed so I made a trip to the pile out back and dug out some silver maple. The previous stove full was some old dead barkless elm about like that stuff Sav was working on......man did that stuff rock the house down. We have freezing rain and 40's coming in on Saturday before the next cold front on Sunday....yuck !!!!
The Beech from the fire I had to cook the pot roast finally burned down enough that I just put in five smaller splits of Cherry for some quick heat, more Beech will go in for the overnight burn. I think we're in the low 20's.
24º this morning. Ash and Pine gasifying. thewoodlands and raybonz. Remember how I am not getting your tags in this thread? I realized I am also not getting alerts when someone responds here. Grizzly Adam can you help me out? I am watching the thread. And I am the original poster. I don't know.
Is the tag problem new or have you never gotten tag notifications? There is a setting that needs to be turned on for any members that were around before tagging was enabled.
Is that a setting that I do in my personal thingy? I seem to get them elsewhere. But not this thread. Not exactly sure.
Not sure why you arent getting them for this thread, i recommend clicking unwatch and then clicking watch again and see if that helps.
It was in the 20's last night so we used the pellet stove, after taking the ashes out from the wood stove this morning, I started a fire in the wood stove around 11 a.m. today.
Hey Grizzly Adam. No tagging working in this thread for me. And thewoodlands responded to this thread at 02:28 and I did not receive an alert either. I'm trying to figure this out. I click on the alerts, or at least the last alert in that thread so I don't stop getting them. I checked on my settings and everything is turned on except getting e-mail notifications. Which I don't want. I did notice that I received an e-mail about someone responding to a thread and I did not have that turned on. ???? I don't know. Just can't figure out why I am not receiving alerts on a thread that I created. I did unwatch and then watch the thread again like you suggested.
Are you putting the beech in tonight? Going to get cold. Down to 17º right now. Suppose to be about 9º for a low I think.
I'd take that over what we have coming tomorrow. Freezing rain and then all rain, high of 48º. By Sunday evening we are getting your weather, teens for highs and single digits for lows next week. I better get some of that kerosene soaked oak that I got in trouble talking about up close to the house.