Still in the 20s at night, and the 30s during the day here. Burning a mix of elm and oak, Wifey keeps throwing in sawmill slabs her uncle brought. She's totally spoiled by now. Mid to lower 80s upstairs most of the time.
Mine is 6.5 cu.ft. I have the E100 stainless steel hull. I think I heard they went over to making them all S.S. now. 20 year warranty on the hull. When I bought mine they still sold the carbon steel and the S.S. was an option.
Haha I took this as 1030.10 degrees when I first read it. mid 80's!?!? The hottest I've had the house up to was 77 and that was just about all I could take. Shorts and a t-shirt and still a little warm. Down in the low 20's last night. Loaded the stove with red maple and white ash, burned it down to coals by bedtime and then laid a 10" maple split and 7" ash round on top of the coals and went to bed. Woke up and the house was 72.
That was a very important part when converting to a boiler. I wanted something where I could get a full nights sleep, and tried to go as efficient as I could. With gasification you are burning as efficiently as you probably can with wood heat. With gasification going well you are probably getting efficiency % in the mid to high 80s in these gasification boilers. Most of the time. That is very good for wood burning.
Lodge pole pine. -10 outside this morning not including wind chill. house sitting at a nice 70 f. woke at 2am to reload for an all night burn.
Got home at 5:45 tonight 18 degrees outside 73 degrees inside 12 hours plus on the burn. ... Getting ready to burn tonights round, gettin' the coals burnt down now. Its 16 degrees currently...
It was 3.8 this morning, we loaded the Liberty with four good size splits of Beech on the bottom and the top row of splits were Cherry. We woke up with the living room at 69 and the sleeper at 68. I'll take that, we heat from the basement. Tonight it's 5 degrees.......I'm getting ready to fill the Liberty with Beech. At the moment the living room is 73 and the sleeper is at 68. Late Saturday night they have us getting 4.4 inches of heavy snow with .35 inches of ice, I hope this changes or we'll lose power for sure. We'll be putting in more Beech with a load of American Hophornbeam (Ironwood) tomorrow, it looks like January will be cold like usual.
Right now it's 13 at the house. Here is some of the big guys who will take over for the night watch. Two Ash and one Maple. The ash pan can give you a little size perspective. The burn chamber size is how I was still managing to get about seven hours last winter on nights when it was -27. I wish I had Oak or Locust or Beech on the property. But I get by with the Ash and Pine just fine.
20º outside right now and supposed to be close to 10º by morning. Have a nice size round of white oak that will go in with some locust and ash or sugar maple. 77º in the living room but the wife has the oven on doing some baking. Just burning down some cherry, walnut and sugar maple.
Did somebody say locust......haven't got in to much of that yet......Gas did you here anything about that real good locust wood ?
Only have a few cords of black locust here.. 2 cords are completely bark free.. 3rd cord has bark and goes into the shelter next spring.. Bet Locust Post has loads of it though!
Not as much in the stacks as I used to have.....cutting in a few different areas the last few years, not as much locust there. Of course I have a good amount of red and white oak which I never had much of before. I'll stay warm somehow even if I have to cut the kitchen chairs up.