Got another cord delivered and stacked today from the same guy that I got wood earlier this season. Today he brought a cord of mixed woods, maple, oak, ash and cherry. Being that this is the third time i buy wood from him he gave me a break. 1 cord delivered and stacked for $160. I had him stack half in the front and the other half in the backyard. Wood is averaging 15% moisture which works great for me. I think this guy will be my main source until I am able to sell my car and buy a truck.
@ that price, any wood processing would have to be for pure enjoyment as opposed to economics IF you don't already have a free source for wood.
He left his hatchet too. You don't need a truck. Just drag the logs behind your car. Put a red flag on them and call it good!!
15% is pretty damm low...cherry, maple an ash need bout a year to get that low in the stacks..good score..looks like a few pieces of locust in the last pic..bottom right..
Pure enjoyment is right. LOL with the current prices of gas. There is some locust indeed, that was from his last drop he did for me.
Great moisture reading and an even better price! Buy this guy a or two. You want to keep him as happy as he keeps you.
A rare treat indeed, this time of the year getting seasoned wood from a dealer at 15% MC. I think I would keep that guy and send him a x-mas card next year.
That's definitely a good deal, even if the stacks fall over, and it looks like they will........soon.
Nice and nice! 15% huh? Did you re-split a few splits to check that on or did you just test the outside of the delivered splits? Just kinda unbelievable, no?
I sure did resplit several splits. I was quite happy to see such low levels also. If the stacks fall, Ill just pick them up. No biggie, its part of being a wood burner. Constant wood shifting and restacking or moving it to a better location. Heating with wood is hard work even when the wood is delivered, but I like it.
The guy is a landscaper and with temperatures he hasn't delivered much this year .this wood was cut I year ago and some older than that some he has some hurricane sandy. the warm temperatures and lack of snow so far in the northeast hae slowed down his sales is what he told me. He still had several cords to sell.. couple that with low gas prices people aren't really buying faarwood....