You must be getting copious amounts of daylight right about now, eh? At least a minute or two since Christmas?
Yep 1200 noon, about 1 hour before solar noon. was 5:27 of sun, shortest Up to 5:31 of sun now (if not shaded by the mts, I get about 4 of sun) But +1min & 6 secs gained today. Be gaining over 2 mins/day starting Jan
Don't know. Havent' seen it on the shelves here. Google grocery stores in Anchorage, get a Ph # & call. Had a BIL take a 6 pack of Pepsi for a 5 day backpacking trip in the mts. No way I'm carrying it up a mtn. But I did drink one, we made it out before his "withdraw symptoms " kicked in. LOL
Those are some good pictures. Really nice colors there too, camera filter probably helped pick it up.
Woodpiles in the sunshine seem to make them warmer. Took these a couple of hours ago because I just like looking at the woodshed on nice days like this. The cold is coming back starting tonight though.