Ya we where lazy! I wanted cold PBR she wanted pizza and all there was was citgo.... Merry Christmas all!
They never left! Sclitz did but the have been resurrected from the dead. Strohs is still around too. All one company and recently purchased by a Russian company. Not sure if that's good or bad.... I do love them all lol!
Went to my son Dan's for dinner and had lots of ham etc.. Gotta say I like pizza too.. PBR? No thanks lol
Mmmm ham! We had better food for lunch but dinner is a cheap one tonight... I must say hunt brothers pizza is pretty good with beer.
PBR is all the rage these days around here, all the "cool kids" drink them at my favorite watering hole I tend to prefer something with a little more flavor/bite myself, a good micro ( craft) beer wife just put the rib roast in the oven
I don't drink much cheap beer as brew most of mine.... Around here pbr has been around forever and is my go to for cheap good beer. All the cool kids drink Heineken ICK!
No offense Pallet Pete , I'm with Ray on this one. PBR has never seen my beer fridge unless someone brought it with them.
PBR was my go to beer if a bar had it. I was appalled when i went to a chain restaraunt and it was on the specialty beer menu. They charged a chit ton for a cheap beer just cause the cool kids were starting to drink it.
The price has gone way up too and the cans have weird new hipster designs We had Waffle House for dinner
Actually,PBR is enjoying a comeback with the younger crowd, hipsters they call them. Has a lot to do with a movie called "Grand Torino". It's not bad beer. Went out myself this afternoon for some Natural Light. Noticed the pizza place was open.
Just got back from her Aunts house, we had leftovers from lastnight. Drinking a Samual Adams and winding down for the night. Before I'm off to MoMs and DaDs house in the morn...
We had a Christmas breakfast feast cooked by my son-in-law. Received a gift for my daughter in San Diego, Omaha Steaks. Tomorrow will be , filet mignon. Lip smackin good, yummy yummy to the tummy