34º this morning. A little snow coming down. This morning I have Maple and some White Spruce gasifying in the Wood Gun. Two more days till vacation starts.
28 outside, 76 inside. Smoldering 1 y/o silver maple in the DW cat stove, sittin in me skivies. We need a 'sittin in me skivies' smiley!
It has been in the low twentys at night and the high thirties during the day. Been burning nothing but Cottonwood and Pine since October. Keeps the house warm.
30 and into the mixed menagerie of wood . Burning some 12 month seasoned (working better than I had imagined) 4/4 and 8/4 cherry,oak,maple and ash lumber cutoffs due to limited time this summer to deal with wood. Throwing in some coal when long burn times are required. New chimney working better than the last one ever did . Lifes good.
Looks like 15º on the back porch this morning. Going to head down to camp to put another bag of pellets in the stove down there. We had lunch down there yesterday. Snow covering everything. Beautiful.
38 degrees, just restarted fire this morning, just too warm lastnight. Got FHC, Fire, and Coffee.....Awwwwww....
It was 21 this morning, we have some Cherry in the Liberty at the moment but once the coals burn down I'll be taking out some ashes. Not much planned for today cutting wise, we'll be putting in some wood and maybe a ride around the property.
Threw 3 pieces of oak this morning on a bed of coals - red and black. 31º now and 3 more pcs of oak burning slow. Need to clean out the Fireview Mon or Tues. Second season on the Fireview and sure am glad we purchased it. Oak? Well yes, that's pretty much all I have.
28 this morning, I have been burning some of that standing dead Pine I took down when I'm close to home. Burns quick. But is saving the Ash and Maple for colder weather. Right now there is a little box elder in there. I'm trying to remember what area of the woods I cut that box in. To many trees to remember.
50 here. Stove has the day off. Going to clean out ashes tonight. Might be a good time to clean the chimney too.
Down in the 20's spitten snow with winds at 30 to 40 mph. Pretty much a crappy day to be going outside.
Gasifier , we might have some high wind gust on Christmas for the North Country. http://northcountrynow.com/news/rai...-through-christmas-st-lawrence-county-0132705
Thanks for the information. I hope the highest wind misses us. You and I already have enough downed trees to clean up!
On the weather sites on the net, where we live does not have the high wind watch on, yet. I see your area has gust up to 60 mph.
Came home today to the best coal bed I've had yet 10 hours after loading. Tossed on some kindling with a few splits if ash and it's toasty in here!
Picking up another load of ash this weekend from the father in law which is very good! Burned through more than I anticipated so far this year. Pics of the load to follow this weekend.