Look how many people have logged on already. LOL!! Been sitting and hitting "Refresh " all day.. I started to shake a little... Needed me some FHC!
What the chit? Did we know this was going to happen? I thought the North Koreans were after Scotty's site! Was I the only clueless one here?
As soon as I got that email to my phone from a notification I logged on! I was sitting there going what should I search. Even logged onto the hearth!!!! Then the email notification came through. I responded to the thread I was in and got out of Tap a talk!
I tried this morning when I woke up as I always do, didn't work. Tried using LTE instead of wifi, didn't work. Tried using another wifi network, didn't work. Tried using my laptop, didn't work. I just about went crazy All is good now though
Facebook is a website that hosts our emergency back up clubhouse. I don't know if it has a purpose any other time.