Globals for the kitchen [/QUOTE] I have Globals for my kitchen as well. They are hands down the best kitchen knives. Is that a flexible boning knife? I have been eyeing that for the collection
I dont want to hijack this thread but . Anyone recommend a nice hunting knife. I want a knife that can skin a buck, small enough to process duck and geese, hold a razor sharp edge. Any input would be great.
My edc is usually a small buck slip joint, and a Ka Bar TDI. Sometimes they both get switched out for a kershaw kuro. I love that knife, 20 bucks at Walmart and really nice quality, assisted opening too. For work, I always carry a Buck 110 on my belt I'll see if I can get some pics up
Can you link the Smith's system you use? I suck at sharpening knives and my edges never hold. We tried that Japanese gimmick one from TV... Can't remember the name... And it won't recover an edge for chit.
I found the worksharp pretty easy to use after a little practice. I sharpened some cheap knives first to get a hang of how to finish the stroke so you don't ruin the tip. I use the 2 finer grit belts, and then a leather strop and I get paper-shaving sharp knives every time. I never had any luck with a plain stone
I find that with a real stone most people don't use enough pressure. You can't be afraid to take some metal off.
I have Globals for my kitchen as well. They are hands down the best kitchen knives. Is that a flexible boning knife? I have been eyeing that for the collection[/QUOTE] Boning knife I not flexible but rather the GF-31 drop forged. It's sweet. Filet is flexible.
This is the one I have and I think what hes talking about.
Thinkin on gittin a Kershaw whirlwind blackwash. I have not used or known anyone that has had either the speedsafe or blackwash. Whats the good n bad of each? Model # is 1560bw.
Yeah that's the one. I'm not as impressed with the diamond "stones". The first set I had only had Arkansas stones and it seemed to get a better edge and lasted a lot longer, but I think they quit making those.
In response to jetjr about pressure while stone sharpening. I find with my diamondstone that it is better to concentrate on full and consistent passes at the same angle. I would rather make 10 light passes than snap the blade off trying to gouge out all the material in 2 power passes. Also sharpen often don't let the edge get out of shape. Usually I can be back to shave hair sharp in a couple passes.